Our class was really interesting because we talked about the
legend of the forming of Marseille, then called Massilia. Marseille was formed
by the Greeks. The legend is that the two Greeks came to the king of the region
of Provence and were invited to attend the marriage ceremony of his daughter.
The way it worked was that she was to give a cup of wine to the man at the
ceremony whom she wanted to marry. She chose one of the Greek chiefs and then
the King gave them the land to build Marseille. The funny thing is that because
of this all the other suitors at the marriage were mad because they weren’t
chosen so then they attacked Marseille continuously (les gauloise). The Greeks won
out though and put military bases in the countries of the people they beat
which lead to the formation of the town of Nice = which in Greek is Nike =
which means victory! (Shoe name history) After this the Greeks started the “first”
supposed towns that had walls and military protection. They also moved from
being fisherman and pirates to being farmers of grapes for wine and olives,
leading to why olive oil, olives, and wine are so popular here!
Did you catch the problem with this legend? How can the
princess of the region give wine to her chosen husband at the wedding if wine
isn’t in this region yet? Also why would the king just let these random
strangers in to his daughter’s wedding? It is believed either that it was water
in some legends or that this wasn’t the first interaction between the Greeks and
the Gauls but that trading and such had happened before and in order to
strengthen relations they wanted to create a trading post in Provence. Doesn’t
that make more sense? Yes, but the legend was a fun read. Next class we are
going on a trip to the Oppidum d’Entre-Mont which is just north of Aix. I think
it will be kind of cool!
After class I said I want to go to the doctor so I went
around the schools trying to find the housing lady so she could make me an appointment.
They ended up not having space but they told me to come down and they would
squeeze me in. I was given directions and then sent off. I found the building
all right but I couldn’t figure out the buzzer to have the door unlock… But
luckily someone was leaving like two minutes later and I got in because of
them. The receptionist spoke French only so that was a bit difficult. But we
figured it out and then I sat down to wait. There were about 3 people in front
of me but I didn’t have class again until five so I really wasn’t in a hurry. Plus
I had my game of thrones book (the odd couple just got married for all you
knowers of the book. I am still Pre-Red wedding! No spoilers!) So I was happy
to wait and not be doing homework. ;-)
About an hour and fifteen later I went in to see the doctor
who I thought was going to speak English but actually did not… But it sort of
worked? He didn’t seem too happy that I didn’t always understand him. I mean I
know I made his job harder but… whatever. He looked in my ear and fiddled
around in it saying stuff but my medical term French vocabulary is slim to well
let’s be honest, I know none. Also I don’t know any ear terms besides ear. But I
think he said that it is because I am congested because he wanted to check my
lungs and stuff as well and was surprised that I wasn’t feeling bad about
anything else. So maybe I have an infection or something? He gave me a
prescription for ear drops and some pills and told me how often to take the, charged
me 23 Euros and then sent me on my way. So I don’t actually know exactly what
is wrong but I have the tools to fix it! Also I got the forms to get my money
back from the appointment but I don’t know how to do it so I will have to go
talk to the housing lady again.
After that I made my way two doors down to the pharmacie
(there’s one on every block). I looked and asked about a heating pad but they didn’t
have any and didn’t know where I would find one. I think it must not be a
thing? Maybe I can like Google shop for one and then buy it and have it sent
here from Europe so that it has the right plug. But I got the drugs and then
ventured back towards the school buying a sandwich on the way. A couple tried
asking me for help with directions in French and then I could tell they were
struggling so I asked if they spoke English and they looked like I had like
just saved their lives or something. So I think that they were very lost. Also
yesterday some French girl running down the street on her phone asked me for directions
to the Rotonde in French so I gave her directions in French. Go me! I don’t know
if it was she thought I was French or what but she specifically asked me even
though she was clearly French and there were other French people around. Kind
of cool I guess? I must look like I know what’s up.
I had forgotten about the banana and it had gotten all gross
in my bag so after cleaning that up (which it wasn’t so bad to begin with) I
hung out in the cave a bit talking to Patrick and Will and Cassandra for a bit.
Then I went upstairs to try and buy my train to Paris but learned that it
wouldn’t take my card, maybe because it was a debit card or a MasterCard or
what but it didn’t like it. So I decided it could wait another day. I did
reserve the hotel for Paris which was very cheap, 3 nights for 140 and split
two ways is 70 Euros. Not a bad break I don’t think! It is like 3 Euros more to
train there in first class so I decided to do that as well. But I don’t have my
tickets yet obviously but the train should be about 91 Euros for both ways
together. Not super cheap but eh, I will double check that I can’t find a
flight for cheaper tomorrow. But I mean I get to go to Paris so… Totally worth
it, and I can’t come to France and not go to Paris, let’s be real. After that I
attempted once again to try and find cheap hotel in Lyon that isn’t too far
from the metro or some sort of way to get to the city part of Lyon. Here’s a
hint it is a nightmare because I have to find a room for beds for three and
everything is totally booked because the light festival is so awesome that
everyone goes.
After getting frustrated I gave up and went and bought
myself a strawberry tarte for good measure and then read for the rest of the
time before my last class. It was very easy today, we talked about the five
senses and different verbs that give different subtleties of meaning for the
same like thing and talked about when you use each one. We probably talked
about over 50 – 100 words though. So I hope we don’t need to remember them all.
My professor is really nice though so it was fun. After that I walked home.
On my way home I was thinking about how frustrated I have
been all day and how I don’t know if it was because I was trying to plan
something or if I’m just hitting the wall already. I know in the study abroad timeline
I am getting close to that time but it just sucks. I know that I am having a
great time here no questions but I am getting really sick of being judged for
being an American. People assume that I can’t articulate simple things. And
alternatively, I am getting frustrated when I speak French with nice French
people and I can’t find the word I am looking for or can’t articulate myself in
the way I would prefer. I also am getting frustrated with things not working
like my internet and the train tickets. I am shaking them off fine and not
getting to get bogged down but it is just very frustrating all the time to not
have things work properly/to my gluttonous American standards.
The good thing about this feeling is that it usually goes
away when I get home each day. Madame is very understanding and helpful all the
time and the rest of the family will help me with my grammar and have me re-explain
when they don’t understand me rather than judge. I like that I have some space
and Madame doesn’t have expectations for me. I always make time to sit and talk
with her and I think our relationship is progressing nicely. I told her about
my hotel problem and she called Christelle (her son’s wife) and asked her to
look for hotels in Lyon for me since she lives closer and knows more about
navigating the city. So I guess I will wait to book the hotel for sure until
after she calls us back tomorrow.
Tonight for dinner Madame made a sort of like… quiche
looking thing but it wasn’t quiche. She calls it a tarte de pou… something. She
described it as a long green vegetable and by process of elimination I thought
it was celery but it turned out to be leeks once we translated it. It was
really good! I will ask her for the recipe. It was like pie/bread crust and
then cheese and leeks. It was really good. We also had salad with olives, corn,
and tomatoes. Madame told me I could pick off the tomatoes as soon as she set
it down. She told me that she just put them on so that they looked nice and I
could take a picture, J
she knows now that I really hate them which is very nice. We had bread and
cheese as per usual and Madame bought more of the cheese I like since two
nights ago I finished the last one off. That is also very nice! I thanked her
greatly and then she scolded herself for not remembering to cut the melon. I
told her it was no problem and we could have it for dessert. It was good cantaloupe!
Beebow started meow-begging when she was cutting it. She cut some up and gave
it to him! And he ate it! I was shocked! She told me he ate corn earlier too
but that he really likes melon. I found that really weird. After that I
finished reading some of my book and accidentally read the English word chat as
chat as in the French word cat without realizing it. I was like wait that
sentence made no sense. I think that is again another sign that my English/French
is getting worse/better. I still have my history homework but that won’t take
long and I don’t have class until noon tomorrow.
After homework I Skyped Thad and then also Grandpa! I Skype
chatted mom and we figured out the money/bank situation. After that I went and
journaled in the living room until Madame went to bed. Tomorrow I hope I will
be in a better mental space.
Sorry there is no food pictures i cant find my ipod cord. I will add them tomorrow morning after I find it!