Before I went to class Paul came up and announced an showed
us all his first lost tooth. (Good thing I’m not you Megan!) He was very
excited which got me wondering about the tooth fairy and whether that exists
here. I went to class and it was good. We are learning about the Oppidum
d’Entremont which is an ancient civilization that existed just north of here
300-100 years B.C. which is pretty crazy! We are going to the site next
Wednesday to see it so that is pretty cool. Tomorrow I am going…. Somewhere
French Revolution related in Aix for my European history class, so that is
pretty neat. I don’t have homework tonight which is nice too!
After class a girl named Mary and I went to go track down
something to eat. She had never been to the crepe place so we tried to go there
but they weren’t open yet. So we went to a pizza place. It was alright not my
favorite. Mary is really nice but she likes to always talk in French which I am
totally fine with doing but the way she talks she elevated and drops her voice
a loooot, to the point that it is kind of obnoxious? But she is nice in smaller
doses. We also went to the ATM and this one was super nice (not) and gave me a
50 which no one likes to break. But I needed some more money in order to pay
George the trip guy for Saint Tropez on Saturday! I’m kind of excited for that
as Madame has told me it is super nice. No one from my usual gang is going but
I think Cassandra said she was and it is good to branch out. J After hanging with
Mary for a bit I came back home and Madame seemed surprised to see me. I think
she thought I was going to be gone all day but I have a pretty long break so I
wonder if I’m not supposed to come home? Or if it matters? I researched a bunch
for Paris and Lyon. My plan for fall break is to go on the trip with George to
Barcelona, Spain for the four days and then come back and the next day go to
meet Grace (my Oregon Crusader friend) in Paris. And then I will have Sunday to
recoop before school the next day! It seems like it wont be… THAT expensive
about 30ish euros to each place on the train and then another 40 back plus
about 80-150 for 4 or 3 nights total. So I feel like for what I am doing that
really isn’t that bad. And I mean while it is money how often am I really ever
going to get this good of a chance to go to Paris? Or to Lyon? Like never so I
might as well do it. And it isn’t like I am staying in the most swanky hotels
I’m going with the cheap hotel that has a shower ( YES I am already looking
forward to them) and saying how often am I really going to be sitting around in
the hotel? Mmm probably not long unless I am sleeping! SO that’s my plan! Also I
have heard that like to get into the museums and stuff I can get in free or way
cheaper with my Student ID card and a copy of my student visa. Seems like a
pretty good deal to me!
Madame was filling out a complaint card for the bus. And had
one from last week as well, I didn’t ask her what the problem was as I figured
that it was prying. I also learned that she does Laurence and Jean-Clauds
family laundry on Wednesdays too not just ours. So it seems like even when she
doesn’t work she works. I asked her today if she likes the job she has and she
said she does. She is very knowledgeable about parts of France but other than
the South she hasn’t really been to very many other parts. She just watches a
lot of informative TV shows.
I went and paid George and then went to my Translation
class. I asked my teacher what “Mon petit brouillette” means as Madame says it
all the time to Bee bow. MY professor didn’t know so she told me to ask Madame
or write down how it is spelled. I think she said it just means like face or
something. She laughed when I asked her what it meant. I don’t think it is a
real word but like something she sort of made up.
When I got home no one was home so I started doing more
research about trains now that I knew that Cassidy is flying into Marseille not
Lyon. It’s actually going to be fun to ride the train together and be cheaper
overall. I have to wait for my new visa card to get here though before I book
the hotels and trains. I have noticed my English is getting worse since I have
been here. Today I wrote overloud instead of overload and didn’t realize it
until like five minutes later. Also my grammar as well is getting worse as is
my spelling. I think this must be a good thing though because my brain is
switching modes and is going more French.
Pretty soon Paul came up and wanted to go through the
pokemon tumblr that he went through yesterday. I need to find some more kid
friendly blogs to follow for him. I feel like this isn’t going to be a onetime
thing. Pretty soon Madame came upstairs and started cooking and Paul went back
downstairs. Tonight we had mashed potatoes and sausage and wine and fromage and
these like appetizers which is like some type of meat on bread with a pickle
coin on top. Strange but they taste alright. I don’t particularly like them but
they aren’t bad. Madame made them last night and asked if I like them and I
said yeah so then she made them again tonight. I hope it isn’t becoming a
thing… After dinner I went and talked to
Thad a bit. Then I came out and started writing my journal but that was like
two hours ago because the tv shows keep sparking my interest. But it has been a
nice day where I did some things but also didn’t do too much. J
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