It hit me really hard coming out of the PDX airport that the next time that I leave that airport I will be returning back from France. WOW. And I will be leaving via that airport in LESS than 2 months. LESS than 2 months. If i doubled the time that I have left in the USA I would have less than the amount of time I will be in France. Now that is crazy.
But leaving the airport I got overcome by this feeling that I am really going to go there. I'm really doing this. It isn't some far off experience but it is approaching. And FAST. Pretty soon I will be really packing and leaving and living and aix-periencing ;-). But it just has seemed so surreal.
When I come back so much is going to be different. Spegan
will be living someplace on their own and a lot of my friends from school will
be almost graduating and finishing their masters degrees. And that seems crazy
to me. And it seems crazy that I will come back and everything won’t have
stopped while I was away. I mean of course the world doesn’t revolve around me
but it just seems like I will have more of a disconnect to life here while I am
there. Which is normal… But it doesn’t stop it from being crazy and weird.
Walking out through those PDX doors I will be home after so long of not being
home and not seeing my family. And I can just tell how emotional of an
experience that will be for me which is why it must have hit me so hard. There
are a lot of people that I am going to miss while I am gone… But knowing that
they will be there to support me when I get back makes it not so bad.
I think
it is finally becoming a realization that this is all happening…
So exciting!