I posted a Packing list on the right. It is by NO means everything that I am bringing but are some of the things that I could remember off the top of my head that I have purchased for France so far. I still need a few things but have kind of hit the pre- and post-wedding wall where I basically have forgotten all about my trip. But that just means that I'm probably trying to ignore it because I am scared... It's kind of hit me that this is a pretttttty long trip. Four months is a pretttty long time... Also I have expended my financial resources which isn't surprising being that I have been surviving off of my money back from the school from Spring and didn't get money for Summer. And I had to pay rent and stuff but I'm not too concerned. That's what happens when you don't have a summer job. But oh wells. That's okay. My parents keep telling me that I need to save my money but if I'm buying things for my trip I figure it is okay...
Yeah so that list isn't everything that I am taking but it is some of the things I want to have to take. I think that as we get closer I will be getting more prepared. But as of this moment right now I am nervous and a little freaked. I try not to think about it late at night because I wind up keeping myself up freakin' out about the whole thing... But it will be okay.
Things I Need/Want:
Non-tennis shoes
Flat sole boots
Plain basic T shirts
Good Jacket
New Jeans (Thanks Roz for shopping with me!)
Nice summery dresses
Conservatively colored socks
Suit case
Over the ear Noise cancelling headphones
Digital Camera(?) (Could use iPod)
Prescripts (enough for entire time) NOT ALLERGY YET
Outlet converters
Alarm Clock
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