Friday, September 13, 2013

Boutiques and Bags

Today I fought stubbornly against the construction to sleep in. I used earplugs and after that my headphones to combat the noise. After I woke up to go to the bathroom Beebow snuck into my room which I didn’t realize until he started attacking my feet for doing my sleepy food wiggle. I then had tot kick him out. Eventually I gave up with sleeping and went and took a shower. When I was getting dressed I got a text from Cassandra asking me to get lunch with her. I looked at the time and it was almost 11:30! Oops! I quickly gulfed down some of the breakfast food or else I knew Madame would notice I hadn’t eaten and went to meet Cassandra. We sat in the cave (student lounge) for a while talking with some other people before setting out to find some pizza! Which I hadn’t had in over a week which in Helwig Pizza Time is like an eternity! We found a good place to get slices for 2 euros and both got one. It wasn’t as good as the pizza I had here before but it wasn’t so bad. We then went and ate downstairs and talked to some more people.
Then it was time for the Scavenger Hunt through Aix, which is really why I woke up today! We got in groups of three and I was with Sophie the girl from Oregon and a girl named Morgan who likes to make it well known that she is in the French Honors program (which really I could have done if I wanted t but I didn’t. And basically means that you take a certain French course). They both were nice but not very fast… The scavenger hunt was also a race to see who could get all the information and be detailed in their answers and then get back to the school first. I took that to mean let’s do this thing fast! They took that to mean hey let’s walk slowly and take a lot of time at each place. Morgan ran into the Tourism office to get a map and no joke we were waiting for twenty minutes before we went in and found her chatting it up with the person behind the desk about Aix and getting every brochure the place had. I pretty much gave up then on being a winning team. Then we went to the crepe place where they both bought crepes and then we went to the movie theater, American book store, Monoprix, American food restaurant, and Coffee shop. Each place they wandered and looked and browsed which is fin because they were getting to know the places and stuff but they were very slow. I was the navigator and they were the writer and reader. They also wrote very slowly. But it was all good after I decided to just go with the flow.
We came in next to last and I don’t even think we had all the answers filled in correctly but so it goes. We went and hung out in the cave while we waited an hour for the associations or clubs around Aix to arrive to talk to us. Pretty soon I got a text from mom and soon after a facebook from dad both talking to me about my day. Then they both told me almost at the same time to go and buy that bag! I was so excited! On the way to get it I was telling Cassandra that if they didn’t have it there anymore I was going to cry. And sure enough when I got there… It was gone! As were all the other bags. I asked the sales lady if they still had them and she gave me a sad face and I said “Noooo!” But then when I asked her if they sold them she said no that they had moved them to another boutique! I was very elated then and she offered to take me to there. I happily agreed and explained to her how much I had wanted to buy it and how I had been walking past it and always thinking of how joli it was. She asked if I was staying in Aix and I told her that I was a student and she wished me a good time here. She was very nice and it was very nice of her to show me the way. It was about a five minute walk. She grumbled as we had to weave our way through tourists in front of the Hotel de Ville or courthouse. And I laughed and told her that they ca be a bit annoying, which is true they really can be in the way a lot. But then again when I am being a tourist I am sure that I am the same way! I was very happy to have my new bag. The sales lady tried to put it in a giant bag which I never understand why people always try to do that… It is a bag so it doesn’t need handles or a bag! It is a bag! 
We went back and decided with a group of other people in the cave that after the club thing a few of us would go to Happy Hour at the bar down the street. The club thing was really cool. I bought an Erasmus card which gives you discounts at a lot of places for 5 euros, and got information about the different clubs and such. There was a woman there from a Christian church that does service in English on Sunday nights that I hope to be able to go and try out. I don’t think that I will be able to this weekend because of the afternoon trip to Marseille but if I have time I will. She seemed really nice. I also got info on the locations for the next couple trips that the one guy George plans for international students. One of which is a 4 day 3 night trip during the beginning of fall break to Barcelona, Spain for 150 euros. Which seems like a lot but it includes transportation, lodging, and having everything preplanned. I like that and because it is at the beginning of break I could get a group who wants to do that and then we could leave from Barcelona to go to Paris or Italy or somewhere else for a few days. I think that would be really fun!

There also was info for a cooking class for 4 two hour sessions for 100 euros, which seemed cool but a little expensive for me so I don’t think I will be doing that but it seems like it would be fun. But there are a few student organization things that I signed up to get emails from which I can just delete if they don’t interest me. Better to be well informed and have options I decided than to be bored with no clue.
After the club thing Cassandra left because she didn’t have time to get a drink before needing to be home for dinner but I went with some other people to have a drink anyways. I had a Monaco it was good and didn't taste like beer. We had fun I think and talked about a lot of stuff. It was nice to get to know some other people and some of them are in a few of my classes. After a while Madame called wondering if I would be home for dinner and I told her I would be there in a few minutes. We had pasta with white sauce and ham which was delicious. And Paul and Madame put a egg yolk on theirs. Not cooked but I didn’t because eggs tend to make me sick which we talked about a bit more in depth. But it is a bit strange why I get sick from eggs by themselves but not if they are with other things like in cake or whatever. But it was interesting. It was good and then I gave Paul a piggyback ride before I went and Skyped Thad. Who ended up meeting Paul and Jean-Claude by happenstance of them showing up suddenly but it was funny to me! 
Tomorrow I go to Nice at 745 in the morning. We are I guess stopping at the medieval town of Eze before hand and then there are a few different things that we can choose to do in Nice. I hope to hit up the beach a bit though!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

DD &D: Dirty Dancing and Dominos

I slept in pretty well this morning and didn’t wake up until 10. I had the weirdest dreams though I can’t remember them. When I finally rolled out of bed I went to school to use the better wifi to do some homework. While I was sitting there contemplating how I was going to keep my computer alive for an hour and a half without it being plugged in. One of my friends told me how to put the pdf documents that we needed into my iPod. It was an amazing thing! I had no idea that I could do that on an iPod! I was quite happy. European history was good. My professor is French but knows English but he hasn’t used it in three months so it is a bit choppy but we all understand. He is very young and talks really quickly. He also is a tour guide in the city in his spare time. We are learning about the French Revolution right now which is interesting to hear his take on it being French and how he says most other French people saw it. After class I went and got a sandwich and ate half and a peach. It was good. Also I learned today that the school building used to be the chapel of a monastery in the 1600's. SO that is pretty cool and explains why the inside is so cool looking. I will get pics tomorrow.
Then I went to World Lit. My professor for this class is an ex-beach bum. He lives in an old chapel turned loft. He also wears funky glasses where one frame is a circle and the other is a square. He is very quirky but I like him. He seems to know a lot. I felt really smart today since we were discussing Paradise Lost and I had already discussed the book before in the Winter before my tonsillectomy it was cool and I was pretty good at knowing good topics to bring up during the discussion. That book is pretty difficult so I am glad that I have had some outside experience.
After class I went and hung out in the student lounge for about an hour talking to people and trying to get to know some more people. When I came home I Skyped Chels and Roz back home; Jessica got there while we were talking and started moving her stuff in so I guess that I have a new roommate but only sort of because I’m not actually there… But it was good to talk to them.  After that I got a phone call from Madame who was downstairs with Paul and asked if I wanted to come down. So I went downstairs and they were trying to construct the domino tower thing that was on the box so I helped with that. Paul kept having me make lies of the free dominos so he could knock them over. His dominos are plastic and some are set up on quarter of a circle track things that band five dominos together. You can then connect them to these tower things to make inclined spirals. They are pretty fun looking and kind fun to play if you are a seven year old boy. But they are fun. After we finished that we came upstairs and Madame started making dinner. Paul showed me some kung fu and then when he got yelled at to stop running around he came and put his feet on my lap and sat down. Naturally I tickled them. So then we did that for a while until he got a book of a bunch of cat pictures and I pretty much got the French version of “Kittens inspired by Kittens!” He would make commentaries for each cat and it was pretty cute. Then dinner was ready and we had chicken nuggets and French fries. It was pretty good, and followed as usual by bread and cheese and a little bowl of ice cream/sorbet. Paul went home then and Madame and I started watching Dirty Dancing. I’m following pretty well considering that I haven’t seen it in English. Though I still haven’t figured out why the blonde is sick in bed…?
That bag is still there! And I would probably maybe buy it if I had the money to spare but since my financial aid hasn’t come in yet I have had restraint. I know one day soon though I will walk by and it won’t be there and I will be sad. It is a simple bag but I just like it for some reason. I just learned financial aid wont be disbursed until the end of the month... :-/

Tomorrow I don’t have class because it is Friday but there is a team scavenger hunt thing tomorrow which I think could be a good way to get to know more people. I think I will do that from 2-5. I just need to make sure that I am not carrying a ton of books because my back is starting to bother me. But I got Ibuprofen so I will probably just take some before. 

Not much of an exciting day but not all days will be!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Smoothie anyone?

This morning Madame was home so doing my morning routine gets a bit trickier. I had class at 9 in the new building which is a few minutes farther away so I had to leave a bit earlier leaving not much skype time. My class seemed good but also a bit frightening because it is in French and the final exam which is 30% of the final grade is Oral… zut… I knew some people in my class including this guy Will who always by happenstance ends up following me to school because I guess he lives close by me maybe? We think so. But I never realize he is behind me until we are like almost to the school so that’s odd. Claire was also in my clas as well as this really nice girl named Mary who also did early start.

After class I went back to the other building to work on the computers and Will and another girl were looking at booking a trip to Geneva next weekend. And I sort of got thinking that I don’t really have anyone right now that I could ask to go on a trip with me even though I have friends? So then I started feeling a bit down. Also I didn’t know anyone to go to lunch with since my class gets done at 10:30 and that is a pretty early lunch. I texted Cassandra who is really nice and then wandered around because she didn’t text me back. She finally did after about a half hour and I walked back to the school to meet her. I figured we would just grab something close but she wanted to walk around to go to a sushi place. We stopped in at the monoprix and I bought a chicken Caesar wrap plate thing. Then we went to the sushi place she knew but then she changed her mind. Then we walked across town to a pasta place. Where she changed her mind… Meanwhile I am getting hungry and grumpy and I’m already sad. Luckily she tends to monopolize the conversation which was fine for me today. After a while though she was wearing on me from walking too much/being sad/hungry/not giving input. I finally was like kay bye and went to find somewhere to sit and eat.

As I was eating my wrap it was like a plate with it cut in pieces and there were like two different tortillas and I was stupid and thought nothing of it. The package said what was in it and I made the mistake of thinking Tapenade was the olive thing that we had made last week in the cooking class…. NOPE. About three minutes after eating it I went and threw up in the trash can. This was only super embarrassing. I don’t like fish and don’t tend to eat it often but not knowing what it was at first I tried to swallow it anyways and then my stomach was just like nope send it back. So that was pretty awful…

I came home and brushed my teeth and then did some reading homework. I then read some game of thrones before going out to my translation class at 5. That class I know a lot of people and actually met a girl from Portland who goes to school in California so I am not the only Oregonian here! Yay! But it is a pretty small class of 12 or 14? But not a lot of people, it seems like it will be fun but also work. The classes here may just seem like they will be hard but they all seem pretty frightening to me after just the syllabus day. After that I went to the Monoprix to get something to put my papers in and a highlighter.

On my way back home I ran into Laurence at the door to get in and she didn’t let me in almost because she didn’t recognize me with my hair down. I have been wearing it up all the time because it has just been too hot but now it is starting to cool down with the wind chill. I love it! We went to her apartment where Paul and Madame were playing dominos so I helped Paul set them up and he would knock mine down whenever I tried. So obviously I did the same to his. It was fun and then we came back up for dinner of mashed potatoes and Sausage. It was quite delicious and I was hungry after not really having lunch kind of… But it was very good! And I made sure to say that a lot. Then I had talked to Kelan at class and he had told me that the girls and he were going out tonight and that I should go with them. So I decided I would go.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—. I took the one most populous and traveled by so as not to be in danger.

I went to the fountain to meet them and the girls were there but we waited for Kelan for 25 minutes and he never showed up… When I got home he had changed his mind and told me on Facebook but a lot of good that does me with spotty internet… The boy needs a phone! But I went out with the girls and met Julia’s French friend who goes to the military school here. He was nice but had to run to get back to school because we took so long waiting.

We ordered fruity cocktails and when they arrived we were surprised to learn that we had misunderstood and they were only smoothies with no alcohol. OOPS!!! That was a bit of a misunderstanding then! But we had fun I think even though we were non alcoholic. It was a bit weird for me because Kelan wasn’t there though. But eh…

No one wears backpacks here. It is like not a thing. I was walking by a café today and some French girls at a café pointed at me motioned at my backpack and then laughed… So that felt pretty shitty. Side note that really has no relevance to this. There is this super cute oversize brown leather bag at a little place that I walk by everyday and I want it so badly but it is 65 euros. It is really cute though and It would fit a lot of stuff in it. I really want to buy it but I feel like it is a lot of money even if I did use it all the time which I would… :-/

Also Madame did my laundry today. I learned that she irons everything as well. I also learned that she does some laundry for some guy for extra money. She didn’t tell me this but I figured it out when she was doing some buys clothes and I asked if they were Jean-Claudes and she said no. Then 20 minutes later she called some guy that it was done and it was 20 euros. So I am so deductive. But when she did my laundry I forgot to put my bras in a bra bag so the underwire broke out of the fabric… so not is jabs me in the side which makes me sad… but I really don’t want to buy another because I fear how much that will be… Bleh… Clothes here are insanely priced…

I can’t wait to get back to the home of the way less expensive.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Day of (Real) Class

This morning I had hoped to be able to sleep in. I say that because at exactly 8 o’clock the wonderful sounds of a jackhammer next door gave me the pleasure of not needing an alarm clock two hours and a half later… But I tried to sleep with the aid of ear plugs but it was on and off sleep from then on out. I finally gave up at ten and went and did all the morning stuff. I then went and printed out a copy of my schedule and talked to Cassandra for a bit while she tried to get a train ticket. After that I went and sat upstairs while I waited for my housing meeting to start.

The housing lady said that the food issue should resolve and that I shouldn’t take anything she says personally. The French like to make a fuss she said but they don’t mean anything by it, they just like to make a fuss. That made me feel better. 

After that I went to European History. My professor seems pretty cool and young and he is also my professor for my monuments class that I start tomorrow. He seemed cool so that is good. We are doing just before the French revolution up to the start of the firs World War. After that Cassandra (who is in that class) and I went to a place and got a sandwich. We ate outside the new building and met a few new people. I forgot their names already… oops. But they seemed nice. Neither was in my class though. 

The new building is still clearly not done but we are moving in anyways. The building is interesting as the floors aren’t level by any means and it is all unfinished tile. They added an elevator and new windows and it has created an interesting look of the old and the new. My next class was World Lit where I learned that our subject matter is works containing Angels and/or Demons. Which is interesting but unfortunately we are reading three books from Paradise Lost… Which I have read a lot of already and I find it a tough one to get through. I asked Rosalyn to send me an email with photocopies of my book though because it has notes in it already J Win! Thanks! The other works I don’t recognize so that is good. Claire is in that class with me though so that is nice. 

After class I went to tackle finding a phone. I found Phone house which had the same deal as everyone else but with a different phone. So I said sure, which ended up being great because no one else has T9 so it is a total pain for them, but I do! And I have Jewel Quest on mine!!! Talk about winning! I had to give them a copy of my passport to get it which seemed odd. When I got home I was talking to Madame and realized they had left my laminated passport copy in the scanner so I had to run back and get it. Though I was coming from a different place so I took a different route. On the way I passed a Card shop with a Magic poster out front so on the way back from getting my copy I stopped in and bought a few packs for the dudes in my life who play, (2014 I figure I could buy a few of the new set when they come out?). But it was funny because the people in the card shop are the same type of people who hang out in card shops in the US. Pretty sure the cashier guy thought I was lost though. They were 3,80 euros so $5.04 a pack. 

When I came back I did homework and Skyped Thad and thought I was going to Skype the roomies but one of them wasn’t home… So that didn’t happen but later I guess. I did homework and then we had dinner of Croque Monsieurs, and cheese and an ice cream bar.

I also learned today we aren’t going to Cassis this weekend but going to Nice instead, which is fine by me! Then Sunday we are going to Marseille. Should be fun and I am looking forward to it, only a few more days ‘til then. Tomorrow I have class at 9 and at  5 so I have a lot of free time in between to do homework or whatever, so I should have either a low key day or a very NOT low key day.

Before I went to bed Madame and I watched the France v.s. Russia soccer game. I went to bed with France winning by two.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Another Orientation...

Ce matin, I woke up and did my usual routine. Madame had left two (rather large) pieces of the specialty breads on the table for me. I really wasn’t feeling well this morning and opted for just half of one of them to play it safe. I had to be up to go to Orientation this morning and then after that I was free. What they didn’t tell us was that the Orientation was literally the same speeches and introductions as last week so we were all a little annoyed that they made us wake up early to go to something we had already seen. We had all thought that there would be an open house to meet each other but joke was on us. After orientation the French Honors and Art school groups met but those of us in neither of these groups were free to go. Kelan, Claire, Kay-Chelle, Cassandra, and I went to the new building which IAU just recently bought and where we will have classes starting tomorrow to explore. It is very nice but clearly not finished yet so it will be interesting to see how that works out in the coming weeks. After exploring we went to a café to sit and wait until the others were done. Pretty soon Daniel and Michael came and joined us and we sang Bonne Anniversaire  to Michael because it was his birthday. He interestingly didn’t tell anyone including his host family but because I am a Facebook creep I definitely noticed, and definitely told everyone so that it wouldn’t be an unnoticed birthday!
 After that I went with Daniel, Michael, and Cassandra to go find the movie theater which didn’t open for several hours. We decided to get some lunch and went to Crêpes à gogo which is the super good (and cheap) crepe place here. They have so many toppings that it is crazy! I had ham and cheese and Cassandra had the Super which was apple compote, bananas, and nutella. We traded bites and hers was delicious and I wished I had gotten a sweet crepe instead. I could only finish half of mine though because I still wasn’t feeling too great so I was glad to have guys around to finish it for me. J
After that we went to the monoprix and I bought a new purse. Mine was breaking at the strap and I figured it was better to buy a new one than look down one day and find mine gone. How annoying though that it broke after only a week!!! Oh well, such is life sometimes unfortunately! But my new one is a big bigger but still with a longer strap. I got blue because it seems to be in style here and it is perfect height for me to keep a hold on it while I walk. After monoprix I went to the pharmacie to get some drops for my ear which has been bothering me and then we walked around and accidentally found the Cite du Livre! Which was one of the things on my checklist to see! The building is shaped like 3 french books, a Moliere, The Foreigner, and Le Petit Prince! The last of which is a book that I really like! So I asked Daniel to take a pic of me. We walked around a bit more before deciding to go back to the school via my house so that I could show them how close I live. After that we went down to the Cave to hang out and I found A STORM OF SWORDS!!! In English!!! I was so happy! That was the book that I had left on the plane and it was in a collection of random books down there. So I borrowed it which you are allowed to do. It is a well loved copy and I am sure that I will love it as well!
Kelan and I met up and went to talk to the Picelle lady who had come. She showed us the plan with free incoming calls and texts for another 10 bucks more each month and we said wait but whoever texts or calls us incurs a huge charge and she said yeahhh kind of and we said YES this is TRUE. So we decided against that plan. We then walked around for an hour and a half talking to different phone places who all had pretty much the same plan. However we learned you can get a way better deal if you have a French bank account but that they are difficult to get because you have to have a ton of personal info on your host. So that was kind of a bust and I didn’t actually buy a phone because every new student was trying and lines were long so we bailed on that idea until later. We went back to the school and then went with the girls to an organic food store. I didn’t buy anything because I figure the fresh stuff here is just as good and I didn’t want to pay MORE money for food, but to each their own. I poured out my water bottle because it was making my back hurt with it in my backpack with my laptop and then we split up and went home.
                Madame told me another phone place to try because that is where her past two students have gotten phones so I will probably try there tomorrow. If not I will just go with the plan everyone else has been going with.  Then I skyped with Thad and read game of thrones until dinner. Madame got mad at me for not eating all the bread this morning and I told her it was because I was feeling sick and she said I was being difficult because I don’t like anything. I tried to tell her I will eat it tomorrow and I was just feeling sick but she wasn’t really having it. :-/ I have an appointment with the housing lady tomorrow so maybe I will talk to her about it and she will have some advice. Tonight we had hamburger and hashbrown potato things. They were both good and I ate them all and then we had cheese and melon. I made sure to tell Madame how much I liked it. But I think she thinks I don’t like anything…. But I literally eat at least half of everything she gives me! But she always gives me a lot more food than she gives herself so I don’t know why she is so mad when I can’t eat it all… And I’ve told her it is too much for me. But I dunno. And I’ve said this is great I will love eating the rest tomorrow but she has none of that either. So I am at a loss. 

                So today wasn’t too eventful but stuff happened. Tomorrow my classes start at 12! I have a feeling I won’t be sleeping in though because the house next door is under construction/restoration so it makes it hard to sleep in.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


 It has been a crazy past two days! Two days ago I woke up and skyped Spegan with Paul. Then went to my last class for the early week program. Thank goodness because I was getting sooo tired of it. The class just needed more structure and didn't turn out to be what it was supposed to be which was how to live in the culture and what the expectations are for us within the family but it ended up being not picking pronunciations and the prof going off topic a lot. Which is fine but I really would have liked more of the info that was promised instead of trying to figure it out alone. But all is well that ends well.
 After class Julia, Lauren, Sophie, Claire, Kelan and I went to find some lunch and walk around. A few of the girls ended up buying cell phones from Orange for 35 euros for 470 texts and 117 minutes for the three months plus a phone for 30 euros. They also had the option for unlimited text and minutes inside France for 20 euros a month. They seemed confident that they won’t go over but I’m not so sure. To text 5 people where or what time to meet. That will add up pretty fast. But I didn’t say that and since a rep from one of the cell phone places is coming tomorrow (Monday) I decided to just wait and see what would be the best deal. Though I know it would be expensive… I still wish I had the ability to text home. I almost wish that I had splurged for a newer phone and the international plan for 3 months. But… Oh well… I feel like having the ability to text home would ground me a little bit which is why I would want it. I feel sort of disconnected from everyone right now which is, I guess the point but I wish I had more of an anchor to people that I know really care about me? Here everyone is nice but there isn’t any depth yet. But I will wait until the guy comes Monday and see what is up for phones. I have survived a week without one so I could do another.
 For lunch we went to the market and then to a little vendor who sells sandwiches with steak and French fries in them. We had never gotten them before but always wanted to try it. Like every other sandwich we buy it was huge, but also pretty good! We went and ate them in the “Cave” which is the student lounge part of the school. After that I left them in order to go home and pack. Even though I didn’t have much to pack I liked having the extra time. Madame came into my room and asked me what I was wearing that night while I was packing and because I had just been thinking about best P.C. pajamas that wouldn’t be super hot I showed her my pajamas. She looked very displeased and I said does that not work? It being athletic shorts and a t-shirt, and she said “no this won’t work at all”. Then it clicked that she was asking me what I was wearing to the party and I was like oh to the party! I thought you meant to sleep! And we both had a good laugh. I wanted to repaint my toes before the party because my polish had half worn off. I asked Madame where the best place was to get some nail polish real quick and she pointed e towards the Sephora store. I have never been there being a non-makeup person obviously so going there was pretty eventful! Lots of stuff and all very expensive! I got a very small bottle of pink nail polish and it was 4.50 euros so like 6 dollars, for a tiny bottle! But it will last me until I leave I hope so that is what matters? But I should have just walked around more to find another spot but oh well. If I compared prices here to US dollars I would literally never buy anything because everything is really expensive… But I did that and then came home and Paul had a friend over. Oh this is when I skyped my parents. My bad. And then it was time to get in the car to leave! Jean-Claude has a car I guess that they keep in the garage downstairs. It is little like all European cars but it feels big on the inside. I found it pretty interesting that on the back of the car chairs here there is a tray like in airplanes. When I thought about it I decided it was a pretty good idea if you had kids but I think that Americans don’t do it because they want the extra space for storage.
I also noticed here that they have A TON of roundabouts, and that they don’t go very slow in them. Driving in France is a lot like driving in Mexico. No one uses turn signals and they don’t try to drive smoothy it is just go slow go slow without regard to how it feels to passengers. I think some people would have a problem with that but I just accept that it is how the French roll. I really want to change that to that’s how the French baguette. There has got to be a good joke here somewhere… But the trip to Romains to go to the family birthday party was not bad at all. We took the Auto-route which I learned costs money and was very expensive. When I asked if it was cheap Laurence said everything is expensive in France, even if you breathe it costs money! I thought that was pretty funny but then I felt like I should try and not breathe as much. Just kidding! Paul played on Laurence’s phone the whole time and Madame pointed out different cities we were passing and when we entered a new province (not to be confused with Provence!) and she told me what each one was famous for and what number it was for the cars. You can tell where cars are from here by their number on the license plate as each province has a number. Aix has the number 13. We passed a nuclear plant and Madame told me that it is like a crocodile farm over there because of the heat from the nuclear plant I guess that it is a good spot to have them. Madame says they have all different sizes of them and it seems scary! After about two plus hours we arrived in Romains which is (from what I could tell) more like a small town where there isn’t as many shops but there are more houses. There was a beautiful cathedral that we passed that I wish I could have gone inside but it was late and dark so I didn’t get a very good picture. But we went through Romains and about five minutes outside the main city part was the house of Daniel and Christelle. I’m pretty sure that those were their names! And boy was the party kicking already!
 When we walked in we were given champagne and a buffet of assorted crackers and things. There was lots of music and dancing and it was really fun! We drank rose and red wine and champagne and I’m sure that night we went through at least 10 bottles. After crackers and stuff we had vegetable salad and cous cous salad for dinner. After that we had two cakes! One was chocolate and the other strawberries and cream. Guess which I liked better? Oh it was sooo delicious! When I first walked in they were playing American music and I thought it was to make me more comfortable or whatever but they actually knew all the songs that were played! I think that the French must listen to more American songs than we listen to French songs because it seems like a common thing that I hear American music in the streets and such. I asked Jules about it who was the 17 year old guy who went to Houston to work last summer for his uncle, and he said that it is very normal for the French to listen to American music because it is a hit here. He spoke pretty broken English but when we talked we would speak until one of us would not know the word in the other language and then we would say it in the opposite and then stay there until the next word we didn’t know. It worked well because we got to use both languages. He was really nice. We talked about the states, colleges, and stuff like that. He drank beer and I drank wine and then we both decided that we had better switch to water.
In attendance we had:
4 enfants: Paul, Matisse, The twins : Leah et Manon
3 Plus grand enfants : Elise, Jules, Me
9 Grands: Christelles and Darcel, Christelles sister and her husband, Their mom, Madame, Laurence and Jean-Claude, Madames Ex-husband
The French sure do know how to have a good time. They are very welcoming and try to include you in whatever is going on which I have found really surprising. I have been treated so well here that it shocks me. I had expected to be mostly ignored for a few weeks before they knew that I wasn’t a weirdo as I have heard they do, but it has been the complete opposite. I feel honored to be treated as one of the family. For Christelle, I put a few bucks in an envelope because she is going to NY to be a nanny for three months. I also gave them a box of Spree candies that I happened to not have eaten on the airplane. They went over pretty well at the party and I was glad that I had them.
At the party the kids are as much kids as those in the US that get bored of the adults and sitting at the table and after a while went to playing Gameboy or on iPads and phones. They played with each other, against each other, by themselves but surrounded by each other. They were always getting yelled at too for running through the house of causing mischief. That is one thing that I have learned, all children are the same universally! I was surprised by how late they were staying up too. I passed out at 1:30 am and they were all still up with no sign of the party dying. I slept in Elise’s room by myself which I told them I could share no problem but they had none of it. I felt bad kicking Elise out and I told her she could sleep in her bed and I would sleep on the air mattress but she was having none of that and she was only 12! She was very excited to have been allowed to wear heels for the first time at the party.  She showed them off but once it came to dancing she said her feet hurt and she went to take them off.  The party was really fun and I was glad that I went instead of going to the coast city this weekend. Especially because it ended up raining! But that is a story for the next day!

I woke up at nine and went into the living room where everyone was having breakfast. I wasn’t the last one up so that was good! I had cereal “Coco Pates” or pretty much coco puffs but in animal print form, and some of the breakfast cake that Madame had made and brought. It was just like a plain sweet cake. Elise had 6 pieces. After I was insisted that I could take a shower, which was amaaaazing and the best shower I’ve had here yet, Christelle, Madame and I went to town to get some things for lunch. When we got to town though it was raining pretty hard and after waiting in the car a few minutes we decided it wasn’t going to stop so we got out. We had one umbrella but I said I’m an Oregonian I will be fine and gave it to Madame. Rain is not a problem for me like I guess it is for them. 

After a ways Christelle said for us to wait for her under cover and she would return shortly with the stuff she needed. We waited and talked with passerbyers about the rain. Which I decided that the French in Villages are much more open to each other than in the city where you never talk to people you don’t really know. Here we talked to a lady with a plastic bag over her hair and families with babies that were protected under plastic stroller covers. It was fun and pretty soon the rain let up. 

After Christelle returned we went to a patisserie to get ANOTHER cake. This time an ice cream cake which I didn’t end up having because I was outside. But that was okay with me because I have had SO MUCH dessert. We walked around town for a bit and went to a bakery to get the two specialties in food of Drome which are a brioche and another sweet bread with Pralines in it. I have discovered that everywhere in France is known for something. Aix is known for art and fountains and calissons which are like little cookies (which I need to try!) and Romains is known for its shoes and the two breads. They were telling me that people from all over France come to Romains to buy shoes, even Paris.

When we got back to the house the adults made lunch and the kids played outside with the snails Elise, Manon, and I had caught that morning. We had lunch which was some kind of meat and potatoes and tomatoes, with again another 10 at least bottles of champagne and wines. It was good and then we had the cheeses. I decided that I really like brie and goat cheeses. They are quite good. We had cheese the night before but I think I forgot to say that. After lunch, we went outside and found Charlotte the tortoise, who likes to eat strawberries exclusively. Sound like anyone else you know?! ;-) And the kids started playing outside because the sun had come out and the adults had kicked them out of the house. 

Elise asked me if I wanted to be a part of the “la grande spectacle” which I said sure to but regretted later. I learned that meant that we were playing pretend and planning a little play for the adults. It was fun but also difficult because they kept giving me lines and I couldn’t remember them for the life of me each time. It was fun though to play with the younger twins. I think Leah liked me and understood that I was shy and didn’t want to have lines. We picked all the flowers in the yard and Leah and I threw them over the princess and prince (Manon and Paul) at their party. I learned Elise was the planner and organizer and didn’t have to have lines. We performed this to the adults and then I thought we were done but NOOOOO we had to do another one!!! By this time the younger kids were bored of this and wanted to go play with the snails or anything else. That didn’t please Elise too much who was having fun telling us what to say and do. She also kept calling me “Kate” because my name is so weird for the French. I was fine with it and understand but Paul kept correcting her which made her self-conscious but I told her she could call me Kate if she wanted. That made her happier.  

By then it was almost 4 and we got ready to leave. Elise was mad we never finished the last play and I told her that we could next time. She liked that. We said good bye to everyone in typical everyone says bye to everyone fashion and got in the car and to go on our way. We all slept on the way home because of the wine, so much food, and having stayed up the night before. It was a great trip and I am so glad that I went. It was a lot of fun and I got to have a really authentic experience. When we got back I started writing this, taking a break to have pasta and a piece of hamburger for dinner. And now it is bed time for bonzos! Once I get all the things up on the blog… 

Friday, September 6, 2013

La Montagne Sainte-Victoire

This morning I did my usual routine though it took me longer because I had to shave. Here the showers are only handheld and you are not supposed to use more than 6 minutes of water. Usually I shave in the shower at home but here I don’t have time so I figured out that if I stopped the drain I could use that water to shave! How brilliant am I? Pretty brilliant. So the way it works here is you get wet then turn off the water. Do soap and then turn it back on to rinse and then you are done. Except that in order to go out in public I guess you have to dry your hair which in my case takes FOREVER!

Class today was exquisitely boring. The professor talked about dog poop for literally 25 minutes of our 2 hour class. We were all so bored out of our mind and can’t wait for real classes to start that have a bit more structure. The professor is really nice and excited about what she is saying but she has a habit of just re-saying the same thing over and over. I think that with a bit more structure it would be a fun class but because it is so scattered it gets repetitive and boring. I will be happy when it is done tomorrow, though our class is an hour later because it is Saturday. I wish we didn’t have class at all but of course we do… 
 Today I met with the class schedules dean guy and he said I could take 4 classes but he didn’t want me to take three because he thinks I would get too bored. I have to check with WOU though to see if I can take 4 without problems because I thought I couldn’t take more than 3 with our credit system. While I was talking to him he said he wanted me to think about doing an Internship somewhere. He set me a big list of them and there are some that are cool like working in a bakery or for a theater company but I am not sold on the idea of an internship. I don’t know how many hours it would be or whether it would inhibit me being able to do things that I want to do so I don’t know how I feel about it… Part of me says that would be good experience but part of me says that wasn’t why I came to France. So I am unsure about it. 
Today we went to Vauvenargues which is a cute little village at the base of la Montaigne Sainte-Victoire. It is also where Pablo Picasso had a house built and where he lived for a few years before he dies and his kids inherited it. It was reaining when we first got there so we waited two minutes for it to stop by singing a song. It was super good. Not. But it was fun. After exploring th village we got back on the bus and went to the dam near Monte Sainte-Victoire.  It was super gorgeous and the lake it makes is so clear we were probably 40 yards up and we could see the fish swimming in the shallow parts. It was really breathtaking and my brain could hardly process how amazing ad beautiful it was. We walked up past the dam a little ways to a big clearing where we could see the mountain and see off into the distance. It was very gorgeous there and I could hardly imagine such a beautiful place existed.
After we got home we split up to go to dinner and maybe go to a club tonight but I decided not to go. I am just so exhausted that I get tired just writing this and it is only 10. Paul was over and he has been enjoying playing my iPod. I showed Madame my American money because she had never seen it before. I wish I had had the Oregon Quarter because I had to just show her on the computer. Paul was fun, we sorted pokemon cards and he looed at his cards. For dinner we had pasta and broccoli. It was good. Bow I am so tired I am going to pass out!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Musee Garnet

Today I had class as usual. It was kind of boring but only because we have no real structure to class and the professor spends most of the time talking and rambling. Some of the things that she says are important or are good information but she likes to elaborate a lot or repeat the same things over and over. It gets a little dry after 2 hours. Today we also learned some practical info about our visas. About one out of 10 people who get their student visa are randomly selected to do a “carte de sejour” process. This pretty much is just really annoying… But you have to pay 58 Euros to go to a doctor visit here and fill out a bunch more forms in order to be legally able to stay here. I was lucky to not have to do that!!! From what it sounded like it was a lot of work and filling out forms and paying money and having to take more passport photos and blah blah blah. But basically a lot of work. I got the address for the school that you should use to mail me anything:

Kacy Helwig
IAU College
27, place de l’Université, BP30970
13604 Aix-en-Provence CEDEX 1

IMPORTANT !!!! If you are mailing me a package and don’t do this I will get charged a boat load of money. If you are mailing me a package you need to write “Articles usages pour étudiants” on the package or forms or both. And then you need to declare it as a gift on the package or form or whatever. And then value the package at $25 dollars or less. If you don’t do these then I get charged Duty Charges which are lots of money, more than 30% of the package cost. OUCH!
After that she took our passports which it seems unsafe to not have but I have a laminated copy if I run into trouble and it is only for a day or so. After that we went to the market to get lunch. I bought two peaches and a sandwich though once school starts I should probably start bringing lunch because it gets very expensive. I got permission to keep things in the fridge so that is a step in the right direction. Also we stopped in at a patisserie and I bought a little strawberry tarte. It was very delicious and I am going to try and not buy them in bulk because they are so pretty and incredibly good. Then we went to the Musee de Garnet which was full of pieces by Cezanne and Matisse and other cool painters. One was a Monet WHAT! Famous people! And they were the actual paintings! I wish they had allowed cameras because there were a lot of really beautiful pieces that I wish I knew the name of now. Perhaps I can find a site for the museum online and I can find them. Mostly it was Julia, Kelan, and I that were together for that (some pretty cool people I’ve met). We stayed there for about 2 ½ hours looking at the pieces and I could have definitely spent more time there, easily. After that we went to the park to sit down and debrief our day and our hosts and our experience so far.  A few of our other friends were passing through the park on their way home and sat with us for a while. After that we went back to IAU to use the computers but they were locked.
After sitting around for a while Julia and Kelan left and I went with a bunch of other people to Happy Hour at the bar down the street which was one of our activities. They had a buy one get one free deal for Happy Hour which was pretty cool. I ordered the frilliest drink on the menu which was 7 euros but to get 2 was not that bad I thought. Granted I picked one of the ones with the least alcohol J But a glass of wine was 3 for two glasses. It was a pretty good deal. I also tried a beer with grenadine that someone had. It wasn’t bad as well as an Orangina which is like orange soda but different. More fruit flavored than artificial and apparently they have them at some stores in the states? I dunno! It was nice to hang out with a different crowd and everyone here is so nice that it is easy to jump between groups without much trouble. It was getting towards 7:30 and we usually eat dinner between then and 8 so I went home (4min.). A bunch of them were going out after dinner but I don’t know how because I am so exhausted each night! Maybe once I am more adjusted to time here and it isn’t so hectic I will try to go out. But it is interesting because it is such a popular thing to do here. Whenever anyone talks about the students here I guess it is about how they go out and the teachers are all like yeah go try it have a good time, which I find a little weird. But I will try it at least once and then when I hate it I will stop.
I got home and found a letter from Ms. Cassidy on my bed. It was fun to read J I guess now I have to send her one back! Oh darn…  J My host seemed upset or something so I tried to stay in the living room as much as possible in case I had been rude by not being home earlier. But then she started dinner. We had les croques monsieurs, which in laymans terms is grilled cheese with ham. It was good but they eat it with a fork and knife here which is a bit difficult, but I managed. Then we watched tv and talked and I think that she was in a better mood by the end of the night. She worked today so maybe it was that? I dunno. But we also had ice cream before bed which I am really fine with the dessert thing but I am worried that it is going to be too much! So I try and eat fruit for dessert when I can. So today was cool.
Tomorrow we are climbing up Mont Saint Victoire which is the super famous mountain here that Cezanne painted at least 88 times. I am excited, but also a bit nervous for my vocal cords so I hope they don’t act up too much!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chateau de la Coste

 Today Madame didn’t work so she was home when I woke up. I tried to take a shower and stuff quickly so that I would have time to Skype Thad before he fell asleep and I had to go to school. I was eating pretty fast when Madame was like you should slow down and I was like oh I am trying to have time to Skype call and she was like oh! Well go do that quick or else you won’t have time! She offered to clean up which I always feel guilty about but she always insists and won’t give in. Then I ran and talked to Thad before it was time to go to school. Notice I say school and not class? Yeah today we watched the move “Intouchables” which in English would be “Untouchables”. It was a super good film that I guess is French. It came out in 2010 and I guess that since its big success in Europe Hollywood has bought it and now are going to do something with it. It was a fantastic film. I would recommend. It reminded me a lot of Rainman but instead of mentally handicapped the main guy is a Paraplegic.  It was a bit sad at parts but still good. I was expecting a different ending but it was still good!
 After that we went to “Crepe a gogo” which is a delicious place that makes crepes the size of pizzas and they have like 34792057 different kinds of toppings and stuff. It was super delicious and pretty cheap from 2-4 euros each!  Then we went back to the school to go catch the bus to take us to “Chateau de la coste” which is a winery and vineyard that dates back to the 1600’s. They have some areas that are old and some that are new. Apparently, the vineyard was bought by a super rich Irish guy who now owns it all and pays money to have sculptures and stuff brought in to be there. It is super nice and we got to tour the cellar and try some of the wines. I ended up buying a bottle for my host. It was gorgeous property and I wish I could have walked around in the vineyard more but it was very cool. We learned about the wines and that this vineyard last year made 770,000 bottles of wine which 50% went out of the country and 50% stayed in France. They have 76 wine tanks and only 3 people who work on bottling process. It was really cool. At the tasting we tried a rose, a white, and a red. I didn’t care much for the red but the other two were good. I feel like wine here doesn’t taste as harsh with the alcohol as it does in the U.S.  After doing the Chateau we broke up and went home. There was another bar outing tonight but I was too tired and ready to be done for a bit that I didn’t go plus none of my group was going. 
 Instead I came back home and tried to figure out my class schedule and talked on Facebook. For dinner we had fish and green beans. I ate half of it but she still said I was making things difficult for her to know what to buy me for dinners. She learned I like carrots and we had those today as well as more kiwis. The bread here is really delicious and I seriously love it. 
I decided not to go to the beach trip this weekend because Madame invited me to go to see her son with her. Which I guess is actually a family birthday party which I didn’t know. But oh well. It is in… Romans-sur-Isère. And I guess all of the family is going so that’s kind of cool. Real French experience? Could be cool!