Thursday, September 12, 2013

DD &D: Dirty Dancing and Dominos

I slept in pretty well this morning and didn’t wake up until 10. I had the weirdest dreams though I can’t remember them. When I finally rolled out of bed I went to school to use the better wifi to do some homework. While I was sitting there contemplating how I was going to keep my computer alive for an hour and a half without it being plugged in. One of my friends told me how to put the pdf documents that we needed into my iPod. It was an amazing thing! I had no idea that I could do that on an iPod! I was quite happy. European history was good. My professor is French but knows English but he hasn’t used it in three months so it is a bit choppy but we all understand. He is very young and talks really quickly. He also is a tour guide in the city in his spare time. We are learning about the French Revolution right now which is interesting to hear his take on it being French and how he says most other French people saw it. After class I went and got a sandwich and ate half and a peach. It was good. Also I learned today that the school building used to be the chapel of a monastery in the 1600's. SO that is pretty cool and explains why the inside is so cool looking. I will get pics tomorrow.
Then I went to World Lit. My professor for this class is an ex-beach bum. He lives in an old chapel turned loft. He also wears funky glasses where one frame is a circle and the other is a square. He is very quirky but I like him. He seems to know a lot. I felt really smart today since we were discussing Paradise Lost and I had already discussed the book before in the Winter before my tonsillectomy it was cool and I was pretty good at knowing good topics to bring up during the discussion. That book is pretty difficult so I am glad that I have had some outside experience.
After class I went and hung out in the student lounge for about an hour talking to people and trying to get to know some more people. When I came home I Skyped Chels and Roz back home; Jessica got there while we were talking and started moving her stuff in so I guess that I have a new roommate but only sort of because I’m not actually there… But it was good to talk to them.  After that I got a phone call from Madame who was downstairs with Paul and asked if I wanted to come down. So I went downstairs and they were trying to construct the domino tower thing that was on the box so I helped with that. Paul kept having me make lies of the free dominos so he could knock them over. His dominos are plastic and some are set up on quarter of a circle track things that band five dominos together. You can then connect them to these tower things to make inclined spirals. They are pretty fun looking and kind fun to play if you are a seven year old boy. But they are fun. After we finished that we came upstairs and Madame started making dinner. Paul showed me some kung fu and then when he got yelled at to stop running around he came and put his feet on my lap and sat down. Naturally I tickled them. So then we did that for a while until he got a book of a bunch of cat pictures and I pretty much got the French version of “Kittens inspired by Kittens!” He would make commentaries for each cat and it was pretty cute. Then dinner was ready and we had chicken nuggets and French fries. It was pretty good, and followed as usual by bread and cheese and a little bowl of ice cream/sorbet. Paul went home then and Madame and I started watching Dirty Dancing. I’m following pretty well considering that I haven’t seen it in English. Though I still haven’t figured out why the blonde is sick in bed…?
That bag is still there! And I would probably maybe buy it if I had the money to spare but since my financial aid hasn’t come in yet I have had restraint. I know one day soon though I will walk by and it won’t be there and I will be sad. It is a simple bag but I just like it for some reason. I just learned financial aid wont be disbursed until the end of the month... :-/

Tomorrow I don’t have class because it is Friday but there is a team scavenger hunt thing tomorrow which I think could be a good way to get to know more people. I think I will do that from 2-5. I just need to make sure that I am not carrying a ton of books because my back is starting to bother me. But I got Ibuprofen so I will probably just take some before. 

Not much of an exciting day but not all days will be!


  1. Kacy... she had a botched abortion. That's why she is sick in bed. *sigh*

    1. Welll.... They don't exactly teach you that vocab in French classes...

  2. You have never seen Dirty Dancing? Okay, I guess I'm just old. Sounds like your bland day in France is like a regular day at college right? But you're in FRANCE so that makes it exciting:)

    1. That is definitely true! And a lot of people my age have seen Dirty Dancing so I don't think you are old I'm just out of the movie loop!
