Class today was exquisitely boring. The professor talked about dog poop for literally 25 minutes of our 2 hour class. We were all so bored out of our mind and can’t wait for real classes to start that have a bit more structure. The professor is really nice and excited about what she is saying but she has a habit of just re-saying the same thing over and over. I think that with a bit more structure it would be a fun class but because it is so scattered it gets repetitive and boring. I will be happy when it is done tomorrow, though our class is an hour later because it is Saturday. I wish we didn’t have class at all but of course we do…
Today I met with the class schedules dean guy and he said I
could take 4 classes but he didn’t want me to take three because he thinks I
would get too bored. I have to check with WOU though to see if I can take 4
without problems because I thought I couldn’t take more than 3 with our credit
system. While I was talking to him he said he wanted me to think about doing an
Internship somewhere. He set me a big list of them and there are some that are
cool like working in a bakery or for a theater company but I am not sold on the
idea of an internship. I don’t know how many hours it would be or whether it
would inhibit me being able to do things that I want to do so I don’t know how
I feel about it… Part of me says that would be good experience but part of me
says that wasn’t why I came to France. So I am unsure about it.
Today we went to Vauvenargues which is a cute little village
at the base of la Montaigne Sainte-Victoire. It is also where Pablo Picasso had
a house built and where he lived for a few years before he dies and his kids
inherited it. It was reaining when we first got there so we waited two minutes
for it to stop by singing a song. It was super good. Not. But it was fun. After
exploring th village we got back on the bus and went to the dam near Monte
Sainte-Victoire. It was super gorgeous
and the lake it makes is so clear we were probably 40 yards up and we could see
the fish swimming in the shallow parts. It was really breathtaking and my brain
could hardly process how amazing ad beautiful it was. We walked up past the dam
a little ways to a big clearing where we could see the mountain and see off
into the distance. It was very gorgeous there and I could hardly imagine such a
beautiful place existed.
After we got home we split up to go to dinner and maybe go
to a club tonight but I decided not to go. I am just so exhausted that I get
tired just writing this and it is only 10. Paul was over and he has been
enjoying playing my iPod. I showed Madame my American money because she had
never seen it before. I wish I had had the Oregon Quarter because I had to just
show her on the computer. Paul was fun, we sorted pokemon cards and he looed at
his cards. For dinner we had pasta and broccoli. It was good. Bow I am so tired
I am going to pass out!
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