Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Chocolate and Tests

Today I was so reluctant to wake up that when I did I ate breakfast and then slept until I absolutely HAD to leave. I was so tired. These past two days took a lot out of me. But I suppose that means that I have also been taking advantage of my time. I went to class and was totally lost the first twenty minutes but then figured out what was going on after that. We talked about the Amphitheaters in the Roman and Gauloise civilizations. It was kind of interesting. For the longest time I didn’t understand a picture because I wasn’t seeing it in the right way. That was awkward.

After class I went downstairs to try and put up my blogs. It was working rather horribly as well so maybe all the internet is being terrible… It is really annoying though. I wish I had not terrible internet. It makes it really hard to talk to anyone… But I finally got just the text up. Then I went to the other building to put up my pictures. I went and got a baguette and some candy for lunch. Super healthy I know but I had a test later. And nothing helps a test go better but chocolate! Plus I only had a twenty so I had to buy something more than a baguette or they would have really hated me. So I also bought some more granola bars.
I went back and put up my pictures for my blog and also studied for my test. Actually that is mostly what I did today was study. I put flashcards in an app on my iPod and just mostly studied. I corrected my paper for history and printed it out. I really didn’t do much. I talked to a few people on facebook but that was about it. Mostly it was a boring day.

I did well on the test though and that is what mattered. The first part I didn’t do so hot on but the second part I gave 39 answers for a 15 point question. So I think I am in the clear! But I guess I will see on Wednesday after my second test… On like literally at least 200 verbs and 200 adjectives all having to do with the five senses… That will be not so good. I have another test that morning too so it is just all going to be crazy. I am already tired of it and it really hasn’t even started. The rest of the class was good we translated a poem and then started another but we ran out of time. After class I facebooked a bit and then that was the end of that.
I came home and played with Paul a bit. He is staying the night tonight. He is being typically himself. He called me fat again… I feel like I should have a talk with him about that but I am not sure that the word he uses carries the same like negative connotation but yeah…. Not the best feeling…

We have been watching Scooby Doo and I have been writing this. Pretty soon is bed time and I am happy to comply. For dinner we had some sort of meat with mushrooms and crème sauce as well as potatoes and green beans. It was okay not really my favorite but I was glad for the green beans. She gave me too much so I wanted to not eat it all but then she gave Paul the starving children in Africa speech to get him to eat so I was pretty sure I was obligated. Which is fine it just was a lot and the meat was really tough so it took me a long time to get through it all because I had to chew it so much. But it was okay.

Mostly I am homesick and tired and nothing of much excitement happened today. Not feelin super great but such is life sometimes.


  1. ANd I think this is your front door and the outside of your house and the house across the street that is being worked on so noisily all the time??? :) Thanks for those, since I asked for them!
