Sunday, October 20, 2013

La Luberon

This morning came too soon and I was up at 7:30. I got dressed and etc. Madame was in a better mood so that was good. I however now am feeling pessimistic and still scolded. It sucks. I tried to shake it off though. I left at 8:10 and went to go to the meeting spot in front of the hotel to leave. I took the route of Cours Mirabeau. I found another cat! And I found ten centimes on the ground. I was going to give it to a homeless guy that I pass by but he wasn't there today. His loss.

We got there and waited for everyone. A lot of people skipped the trip because of what happened last time and honestly with how this one went I do not blame them... We got rid of our third bus which I foresaw coming before we even got there. This made it just a French and an English bus. I was on the French bus. I sat closer to the back in hopes that the annoying tour guide lady which we had last time would be less obnoxious from there. She wasn't and this time Yamina was on our bus. Before we could leave she came by and checked all out seatbelts individually and told us each to put this away or put our bags on the floor. It was really stupid. We felt like five year olds.
It didn't get better either. We couldn't talk the whole bus ride because the lady never shut up, and it wasn't like educational stuff, it was stupid stuff. "One time I came here with my kids and we played on the playground for a few hours" great for you! No one cares and your voice is one of the most annoying I have ever heard. Whenever someone started talking Yamina would come and start yelling at them. It was overall just bad. When we finally got to Lourmarin which is a very cute and pretty little village, we got off to your the chateau and the cemetery. Basically we walked about half a mile to the cemetery to look at the grave of Albert Camus. Which was I guess cool but I'm not really a cemetery junkie even if they are famous people. To me it is like, well their body might be there but now it is just bones and taking up space and it's not like they are really there to me. I'd rather remember someone for them not some rock on some dirt where their bones are.

The walk to and from though was almost infuriating. We kept getting yelled at to walk on the tiny sidewalk single file than to walk in the completely deserted road where you could see cars coming from either direction easily. She literally would stand in the road and yell at us not to walk on it and not to cross the street until she was there and not to keep walking until she told us to. I literally felt like it was first grade. Literally. It was one of the most degrading experiences.
After we did the cemetery we went to the chateau tour which I was kind of excited for because it was really pretty. Psyche! We don't actually get to go IN the chateau we get to walk around it because IAU doesn't want to pay for it. Which was included in the program... Okay... So that didn't happen. No storming the castle today. They also told us explicitly that we needed to buy lunch here because there would be nothing else anywhere else.

Well.. It's a Sunday so almost everything is closes already and then it is small so there isn't much around. There was one bread place open, one casino store, and one very expensive convenience store. Do you see the problem here? 100 students 3 stores? Yeah. I decided to go find the bathroom. I found it and the light didn't work and there was no toilet paper. Luckily my iPod has a light and I had a napkin. Win. It was sketch though like all European bathrooms that are free. They didn't have soap either but I found that Gina had purell. So that was good.
Cassandra when I found her had fought the bread rush and bought me a baguette. Win. I bought some oranges at the convenience store before we found the casino store. It really was madness though. Whoever thought this whole thing was a good idea was wrong. Everyone is cranky and it isn't helping to be treated like children so this good fiasco was bad too. I bought a soda and some pretzels at the casino store and then helped hold everyone's stuff while they went to the bathrooms. After all this food madness we didn't have much time I asked the village really because we had to get back to the bus. But from what I saw things were very expensive but also nice looking. But for forty Euros for a scarf I was fine not shopping.

We got back on the bus and I moved up in the bus so I wouldn't get sick. We got to a new village but couldn't get out because the road was blocked by a car, as tends to happen here. The whole time we grotto overhear over the microphone the conversation about nothing by the guide, Yamina, and the bus driver about movies they have seen and how all our French teachers suck for not showing us all more movies in class. Like we have seen some sorry we don't know every French movie ever made... It was not so good. Then we got through and went by a very amazing view into the valley but I was on the wrong side of the bus to get a photo. After that, we went and turned around and went a different way down through the village that I don't know the name of, to go to Lacoste. It was kind of a confusing thing because one bus went the wrong way and then we followed it and I guess it was just a different route to the same place.
Lacoste was really pretty! We got to see the view we had on the bus but off the bus. The village itself was also really pretty and had a flea market going on while we were there. I heard there is an art school there too with lots of American students. It was really pretty. I would say it is probably the second most beautiful place that I have gone so far. The only downside about here is that the castle is at the top of the city and I mean top because it is basically on the side of a cliff with really steep ramps. I don't know how much of an incline it is but it was more than the exercise machines can go. I knew I wasn't going to be able to make it but I really wanted to try anyways.... :-/ didn't work out. I was working my way up slowly when finally the guide who left the buses five minutes after the group caught up to me. I told her I had an illness that made it hard to get up and she made me go back down. It was kind of disheartening. But at the same time maybe that was exactly what I needed was some time away from the group. So again no storming the castle for me. Apparently it was closed though anyways.
I sat and ate my lunch on some stairs by an archway and then walked around the flee market. I didn't find anything super great. Pretty soon Cassandra, LaSia, Gina, and Sally came down and found me. They all asked if I was okay since they hadn’t seen me come up and I said I was fine it just wasn’t something that I could really do. Then they wanted to walk around the flea market again and this time I bought the thing for Mom that I had looked at before. There was also an adorably cute little dog. We looked at lots of rings and lots of old things that were kind of cool and I was like that would be cool to have but a pain to get home. Next time I do Europe I’m bringing an empty suitcase full of bubble wrap to get cool stuff home. I already have some poster like things I’m worried about getting home. So who knows! I wish I could just send a big box of clothes home because I have a lot here that because it is getting colder I won’t be using and now it is just taking up space… Oh well.
After we walked around the flea market it was time to head back to the bus to go to Rousillion. The talk on the drive there was more on topic. We learned the legend of why the Ochre is the red color. One day the sort of like queen of the area had sex with a lover while her husband was away. The husband found out and took the lover out in the woods and killed him and cut his head off and then took out his heart. Before anyone noticed the lovers disappearance the King took the heart to the cook and had him make a sauce out of it for lunch. Then after eating lunch with the Queen he told her that the sauce that she liked so much was her lovers heart and so she screamed and instantly went running off the cliff and died. And so it was the 80m fall that killed her and her blood stained the rocks red.

That’s all total baloney but I thought it was interesting. There’s a lot of weird stories like this where cheaters unknowingly eat their loved ones bodies or stuff like that. I don’t like it. It actually gave me bad dreams last time that I saw a story like that in a movie. The whole idea to me is really gross and horrifying. That better never happen to me. I would throw up and then kill myself too.
When we got to Rousillion it was really cloudy so they almost said forget it but we got off with instructions that if it starts to rain we all come back to the bus otherwise we would be there for an hour.  We started walking and just by looking at the village the houses were all much more of a red color than a beige tope color. It was cool! Then we started going up further and we started to see the Ochre! It was so pretty! The college paid our entry into the walking park. There is a cave tour too but we didn’t do that. But I would it sounds cool! We walked in and it was Soooo pretty. I thought it was so cool because it really does look just like a desktop background. The colors were gorgeous and I can see why people choose to paint it because it is just awesome. I want to find a good painting of it because it was really gorgeous. Some people who live in like Colorado weren’t very impressed but they said it made them miss home. Which I could understand. If we went to an Oregon forest looking place I probably wouldn’t be as impressed but just homesick.

We went on the walking tour which was on sand which was also changing colors as the rocks did so I think that it was more natural that nother people did. They said they imported it, but I think it changed to well to be like that plus the Ochre wasn’t super rough. There were two paths to take, the shorter one and the longer one. We took the longer one. My group like to walk really fast and not take very many pictures so I was constantly struggling behind them but they would stop and wait for me. It was a lot of down so I was worried for the up. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but I did stop three times to catch my breath/ relax the cords.
When we got to the top again we took a bunch of pictures and then headed out. There was a dog that seemingly had no owner but had a cone on its head and had had a fix surgery by the looks of it walking around. Gina was very concerned that the dog didn’t have an owner but I said well it looks fed and has had surgery so it must be someones. She asked a lot of people though if it was theirs. After that I had to go to the bathroom. But the thing was they were self cleaning bathrooms again, but this time less organized. You couldn’t tell if when you closed the door it would think there was no one there and then clean or not. So it was a pretty scary deal. I tried twice to go in but then the lights would go off and I would freak out and run out not wanting to have a shower. Eventually I figured out how to get the light to stay on by not touching anything and then went fast and left. It was a pretty scary ordeal and fiasco! Some self cleaning bathrooms are nicely organized so it makes sense but these ones were not. I even followed the English directions but they were no help because then the lights would go off and leave me in the dark. It was scary.
After that I bought a chocolate ice cream cone for only 2 Euros! We had to get back on the bus though. You know those people who take a really long time to eat ice cream because they lick it slowly and are really careful? Yeah I’m not one of those people. I wolfed that sucker down. It was so good though. Totally worth it!

When we got back on the bus it started raining so we had really good timing. When we got on the bus I was exhausted. I just put on my headphones to block out the incessant talking of the guide who was now really not talking about anything in particular, and went to sleep. I woke up and we were back in Aix and the bus was stopping close to my house so I hopped off and went home.

When I got there, Madame was just sitting down to watch the movie Jane Eyre so I decided to join her. It was pretty good but also pretty messed up with some of the characters. I could follow pretty well though so that was good. After that we had chicken and potatoes from the market for dinner, bread and cheese, and then Madame put another plate in front of me. Usually we are done at this point so I was like what's going on? And she was like it's a surprise! She put sugar and nutella on the table, and then jam. And then came out with a pile of crepes! YAY! It was a very good surprise. She told me that we have enough for tonight also! Woo hoo! 

After that I skyped the Fam. Spencer and Megan went to see my parents so they were there for the Skype call as well. It was good. I miss them. But I am for the most part having a good time. I can't wait for Fall break!

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