Thursday, October 3, 2013

No Rome...

Today I woke up and got ready faster faster than I wanted. So I ended up going to class really early. I got there an hour before class started and decided to do some homework. I did that and was almost finished when Cassandra came in. I ran over and asked her what her thoughts were on Rome and she told me that she can’t go because it is too expensive. DANG. So then I waited for Patrick to come in and he said maybe. And then when LaSia came in she said probably not. :-/ She added Sally to the conversation but she never said anything. So I was pretty bummed. I really wanted to go to Rome so that I could say When in Rome and all that. During class I wrote my notes quicker than usual I noticed because I think I was taking out my aggressions for not knowing what to do. I was debating whether I could just go by myself. I thought about putting a post on the Facebook group but I had talked to Cassandra and hers about Amsterdam hadn’t gained her anything and that was weeks away. I think people were hesitant because it is a bit last minute. But I really want to go! I think it would be a really good way to kick start the plentiful “lights at the end of the tunnels” that I have. Next week I have tests and it would be a cool way to reward myself for finishing them.

So I was feeling pretty bummed. But after class I went upstairs to check the mail and found one for me from my Thadlius. It definitely made my day better J. I went and read it and then went to the library to chill before class. While we were sitting there eating our lunches, a few of us were talking about books and things. I can’t really remember what exactly we were talking about but we were having a fun time. Pretty soon one of us noticed this giant like flying but that looked like a bee. But it was huge! One of the guys thought that this was a good time to show us all a picture of the giant hornets in China. We were not very happy with him. Pretty soon the bug/bee started flying closer to the table and lower so we all started freaking out and running away. It wasn’t really that scary but it was fun to spaz out about it. J We all decided that it was a good excuse for us to go to class.
During class we discussed The Angel Esmeralda by Don Donillo (or something like that). I didn’t really like the work very much but others did. I felt like I liked it more after we talked about it and I understood it a little more. I still wouldn’t place it in my top fifty though. After that I went back downstairs to the library to figure out what I was going to do for the rest of my day. I ran into the girl that I had the conversation with last time I was in the library. We both smiled at each other and then kept doing what we were doing. I left shortly after that because I was getting mad at the internet there was being stupid.

I went down to the cave and was sitting and talked to Daniel about Rome and how I was pretty bummed that it isn’t probably going to happen. He said I should just go by myself. And honestly I really thought about it…. I asked my friend Grace but she can’t go either… So now I am sad that I don’t get to go…
I went home and was reading when Paul burst in and started showing me his books called Game Over which each page is like a cartoon scenario and they all end in the character dying a horrible death. English is hard. Then we played the memory game again but Paul just cheats all the time. Then we played with these like Lego thing but they were bigger than legos.

Then we had dinner of Cordon Bleu and fries and Rose wine tonight and then cheese and pudding. Then I went and skyped Spencer who got me addicted to this stupid cookie game: And then I skyped dad. My financial aid came in so that is good and I paid off most of my Visa credit card.

Then I was writing my journal and then Thad got on so we Skyped. SO then I was trying to multitask and my computer kept dying. Tomorrow I have to write my History paper. It is supposedly going to rain tomorrow. So maybe I will stay home to write it, I don’t know.

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