Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Missing my internet...

This morning I slept in almost until 10. I woke up as I usually do on the days I can sleep in at exactly 8 o clock when the construction starts. Then I run to the bathroom and close my windows. Which is really quite the task for being half asleep. The way that my windows work is that there is the shutters on the outside, then a little foot big space, then the windows. Then a middle curtain and two side curtains. The problem is that when I sleep I have the shutters closed but the windows open and the curtains holding the windows open so that I don’t get super hot. But then I have to throw the curtains over the windows to close the doors… So that is a problem!
I slept really well last night though. I woke up today and went and put my journal up at school. My internet is still not working here. I learned that Jean-Claudes internet isn’t going to be installed until November 5th… That’s like a long time… There is a pass I can buy for 5 days of internet which is always good for 15 euros for 5 days. It is not the best deal… But It would work. I might try it if my internet doesn’t come back soon. But I mean if I buy it, I would only have to buy it 3 times for the month because I have fall break starting the 25th when I got to Barcelona and then Paris. And then I wouldn’t need it for a week and a half. But that still is a lot of money… I dunno. I am thinking about it but I do have internet at my school it just doesn’t make it convenient at ALL to Skype anyone because they are all asleep in the hours that I can be at school, because we get kicked out about 6:30-7 each day. So that is sucky. I haven’t Skyped Thad since like Friday. It feels like FOREVER. I am not liking that… Not one bit…
I went to class and talked to mom a bit when she was up at like 2 your time and then told her to go to bed. In class we talked about the Second Republic of France. We also turned in our papers and he was telling us how he just got done grading some French students papers and only half of them had gotten better than a C. :-S That was exactly what I wanted to hear from the professor who is going to be grading my paper and my test tomorrow! NOT! But hopefully because we are Americans he will grade us a lot nicer. Hopefully? We will see. But I don’t need to do well, I just need to pass! That is the name of the game this term!

After class I climbed all the stairs to find no mail. :-/ Then I remembered I hadn’t done my little homework assignment for next class so I quickly did that between classes. I also ate a PB&J and some pretzels. I ate a lot of fruit for breakfast and accidentally exploded my applesauce on me while trying to disconnect it from the other ones. Whoops! Oh well it was comical.
In Literature we talked more about The Angel Esmeralda. I am starting to like it more but I still don’t find it nearly as interesting as a lot of other things that I have read. We didn’t even get to me to talk about the little assignment so really it didn’t matter that I had forgotten and done it right before. But oops! On Thursday we are getting a take home midterm paper to write. I like that a lot better than a midterm in class. We are also going to start watching a movie in class soon so I wont have reading homework. But I need to start the Brothers Karamazov or else I know I will fall behind. But also I need to finish Game of Thrones first. Maybe I can tempt myself to finish the Brothers K by saying once I finish it I can buy the fourth book. Hmmm that might just work!

After class I went to the cave to study for my test tomorrow. How it is going to work is that he gave us 20 images from things that we have studied in class and from those 20 he is going to pick 3 and then we have the class period 1h20 to write on all three giving as much detail as possible. We have to give the name, date, artist, affiliation, what it is, the importance of it, and all the other things in the world about it. We have to use lots of vocabulary too which is pretty difficult I think. I have been also really unmotivated to study but have been forcing myself all day. I talked to Mary and Sally a bit about it and then studied more and then Patrick came down and we talked about it again. I also put up more pictures of my trips on Facebook. I forgot to do the slideshows so shoot me an email if you want me to do that and I will be more than happy to it doesn’t take much effort from me but it takes a while to upload. But I can do that tomorrow. 

After a while Patrick went home and I stayed around until they kicked me out, mostly because I didn’t know if Paul would be there and then I would get nothing done. Luckily when I got home though no one was home so I studied some more. I also ate 4 packs of 2 cookies each of Speculoos. Those need to exist in the states or I will go through withdrawals… And then when Madame came up to make dinner she was like oh you are working hard and I was like yeah I have a test tomorrow in my French monuments class and she offered to help me study after dinner. I said sure. We had pasta and zucchini and ham for dinner. It was simple but fast and good. Cheese and bread of course! After that we had pudding which is more runny here than at home but also more rich. 
After that Madame quizzed me on the monuments and was pretty impressed with me. She was like dang this is hard I wouldn’t know this stuff and be able to remember it! I still am not clear on years and names but… Well… I dunno I will go over them right before the test and then those will be fresh and I can just regurgitate them right off the bat. Then we talked about cruises, internet, buying cell phones and how much of a pain it is, which phone she wants to buy, how I have different free apps on my iPod, finally how it is not a phone(!), and also about how the milk here is so different. She found that interesting. She also told me she hasn’t asked the vet yet but she is very glad I told her that in the states you can get a cats claws removed. She thinks that is the coolest and wants to do it. Beebow eats the weirdest stuff. He eat ham, chicken, fish, corn, melon, pudding, and mushrooms so far that I have seen. How weird are some of those? Bizarre. Cats are weird.

After that we watched a show about cruises and Madame started falling asleep. I think I will head to bed soon too because I want to wake up a bit early tomorrow to study at school. Overall today wasn’t too bad except for all the studying. I could have really done without that J Also Cassandra paid me for part of our Munich trip so I don’t have to withdraw money this week which is cool. Though they are all 20’s so they suck to break…

Bisous! Bonne nuit!

Also some girl was singing this song in an apartment when I walked by: Travelin Soldier Dixie Chicks

Fun fact. When I was in sixth grade I really wanted to play the piccolo. Also this was my favorite song for like a year and dad would let me play it all the time on the way home from school :-) Now it makes me think of my dad whenever I hear it. Plus she was singing in English which I found a bit strange but awesome.Also i'm not the biggest country fan. Sad song. But good.

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