Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kiwis and Tartes

This morning I woke up at ten and STILL didn’t want to wake up! I am getting enough sleep I am sure but I can’t help but just feel exhausted! Tomorrow I am going to sleep in a bit. I took a shower and used my new soap that I bought yesterday and now I smell like something normal again. My bangs have grown out again so I will have to cut them soon. Thad and I have deduced that it is because of the vitamins that I have been taking. In any case I didn’t cut them yet. I had breakfast which was very good. I decided during my lonely breakfast that Kiwi’s are really under rated in the fruit department. You only ever see them on top of fruit salads as like the nice looking garnish fruit or stuff like that. Kiwis should be in more things, and I mean really kiwis because the artificial flavor that we have all the time in like strawberry kiwi stuff is by no means the same. And really neither is artificial strawberries. They really taste nothing like their artificial flavors. I want to someday sit down and eat strawberries and kiwis together because I bet that they taste totally different! Just a little tangent… 

I went to class and when I got there the desks were all arranged weirdly and there were all these coffee cups and stuff on the tables. There was an old guy in there and he asked if I had a class there and I said yeah in a half hour. So him and I cleaned up the tables and put them back in order. The school has been doing a bunch of weird stuff lately because a bunch of people have come to the school because it is like their open house of something for schools that they are allied with so they have been taking over classrooms and the staff at IAU is particularly crabby with the students. It is also funny because they have been like making changes to the classrooms that they are using to make them nicer. They added a rug to my Lit classroom which has really needed a rug because of the terrible acoustics and also a big nice table. But it’s like I feel like they are lying by not giving the people a real look at what the university is like because it’s all gussied up for these people. But like had this guy and I not cleaned everything up no one would have… Good planning.
So we put that back together and then he left. Yamina came in and I was scared I was going to get yelled at. I decided to not move and see if she wouldn’t see me. She left and I breathed a sigh of relief. Pretty soon everyone came in and I said happy birthday to LaSia. Wait actually I don’t think I outright did. But like talked about it. Oops. I just hate saying it right after someone else says it because then the person will think you didn’t remember. Well then I didn’t remember to say it. But I had been thinking I needed to say it all morning! I fail. Oh well. We had class and this other girl we know like sat in on it for some reason but it was funny because our professor was like hey you aren’t in this class that means someone is missing! So then he double counted us to be sure we were actually all there. But I think she just wanted to sit in on it. After that we had class which was pretty boring but my professor was being extra funny today. At one point after he realized his white board was gone he was like. Once upon a time there was a blackboard here. And then we were like it’s behind the curtain and he was like there better not be any dead bodies back here. Then once he went behind he was like ahhh Yamina. I laughed a little too hard at it. But I really do find him humorous. He can be kind of a jerk at times with his humor but it is usually funny. 
After that we went to get lunch at different places. I got a crepe. We went to the new building to eat after saying bye to LaSia and saying we would meet up after classes to do something for her birthday. We went and ate and talked a bit about stuff. I seem to forget all the time what I talk about with people but it is usually good conversations I think. I feel like I laugh a lot here. Like more than I do sometimes at home. I don’t really know why that is but I think it is a thing. It must be that I’m happy or something. Imagine that!
Then we went upstairs to class and I learned that our professor in addition to this times reading put some of us into groups to do an extra assignment to present on Tuesday. It was only 8 of us that would have to do it because it was in 4 parts. I knew I was going to be one of the eight… And I was. -.-‘ So I had to read a packet and then tomorrow me and my partner who is a girl that I don’t especially like are meeting to talk about what we are going to say because I will be gone the better part of the weekend. Blech. So after class and before the others finished I went and read that which wasn’t too long but wasn’t the simplest text. Today in class I was kind of annoyed because I feel like I didn’t read the novel in the same way that the rest of the class read it and I don’t see things in the same way that they did, which I think isn’t a bad thing as good works should be able to be read in different ways and have different reactions in different readers. But no one really seemed interested in my point of view. So it was kind of annoying to sit through the class and not really be able to present my point of view…. Further reasons for why I don’t think I should be a lit major today. After that I went and read and watched YouTube videos for a bit while waiting for everyone to be done with class. 
When everyone was done we dawdled around trying to decide what we wanted to do. Finally I decided we would go to a pastry shop to get LaSIa a pastry for her birthday. It was kind of an awkward situation while I was waiting outside for LaSia and Jonny to use the bathroom. I was outside with Cassandra and Patrick. And it is like… Been a bit of a weirdness with me and Patrick because I feel like he has some very unreturned feelings. And I’ve been feeling that for about two weeks now since someone told me they thought he was into me. Since then I have been throwing out the word boyfriend a lot but it just feels like there is a bit of like weirdness. And like today it seemed like he wanted us to go to dinner just the two of us tomorrow because we did that once before because everyone else bailed on us. And like I don’t feel that way at all and I’ve talked to Thad about it and did again tonight but like he hasn’t actually outright said something to me so I feel like I don’t want to say something in case I am imagining things but like… I feel like I am not. And more than one person has like said that they think he likes me. So that is awkward. I have been hoping it would just go away but I am not sure it will. But it anything else happens I’ll give it to him straight. I just feel bad… But I am definitely in no way interested as I am QUITE happy as I am. It just feels weird. I have never liked when people like me which I guess is weird. Or like when people try and hit on me. I really hate it. Also I am a bit oblivious because I just think people are being nice unless it is like SUPER direct and obvious. So that is not good of me. But hopefully I won’t have these issues for long… But it is a point of awkwardness in my life right now. 
When they got done in the bathroom we went to a pastry shop and Cassandra and I bought LaSia a berry cobbler pie tarte thing. It looked pretty good and she said it was pretty good. We stood around for a long time talking about home and things. LaSia’s boyfriend is here visiting for her birthday so she is going to bring him tomorrow for lunch/ dinner/play probably. So that will be cool to meet him. The school had a “mandatory” talk to go to tonight that I didn’t go to because I didn’t want to miss delicious honey lemon chicken dinner. But what are they really going to do? Send me home? And no one ever takes roll at those things. It was all about Camus and I really don’t care about him honestly so I just bailed. If anyone asks I will make up an excuse but I just didn’t want to go. I will go to the Camus staged reading tomorrow though that all my friends are in. That will be good I bet. More fun than listening to someone talk about something that I pretty much don’t care/know about. 
Cassandra and I went to Monoprix where I bought a new black pen, a game for Matisse for this weekend, and some bag of rice. We smelled the perfumes and I found one I liked but I figured why buy it for 6 weeks and then have to figure out how to get it home... After that I cam home and typed up some notes for tomorrow and then Madame came home and made dinner which was DELICIOUS!!! I loved it. It was the best. We also had bread and Twix bars afterwards. But it was very good. Madame didn’t sleep well last night I guess so she went to bed pretty quick after that and then I went to my room and Skyped Thad for over an hour. It was really good to talk to someone about stuff. And it makes me realize how much I miss him… But he is going to a work gig this weekend. It was good to talk to him about this whole situation! He was quick to remind me that I am good at leading people on and giving them false signals even if I don’t mean to. (Ouch. No past feelings there…)  But it was good to talk to him.

Then he made me hang up on him to finish my blog and go to bed. But then my dad signed on so I talked to him for a bit while I finished my blog. It was good to talk to him also.

Now I am going go to sleep! Goodnight!
P.S. The cat went to the party.

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