Friday, November 29, 2013


So I have been kind of behind in my blog posts just because I have been trying to take good advantage of my time and then also because lately with Thanksgiving and such I have spent my nights on Skype rather than writing. So this is actually the post for Wednesday the 27th!
So I did my usual morning stuff. I walked into the living room and on tv there were horrifying images of spiders and Madae was like look and I was like yeah it's gross and she was like no outside! It was snowing! But it wasn;t sticking. But it was still pretty! Then after breakfast I got up to go to my history class. It was kind of a boring class and I was in kind of a grumpy mood all day. I had a misunderstanding with Thad and so I was kind of on edge all day. After class Sally asked if I wanted to go look at rings since I had told her that is what I want to commemorate my trip here. I said sure so we headed out.
It was kind of a difficult time. First we decided to start walking and got to the hotel de ville and then realized that neither of us knew where to go to find something like that. So then we turned back around to go to the school to Google a place to go.  We asked the secretary how to get to one of the places and then headed out. We did find the store fine but all the rings in the window were 3,000 Euros or more and the inside looked even less promising because it was just desks and chairs so we decided to skip it. We kept walking towards Cours Mirabeau and found another but it was about the same. We didn’t really have much luck. Then after that we went and found the two piercing places in Aix to see what their prices were for Sally to get her cartilage pierced.
(Thats my friend Kelan) I feel like piercing places are always scary. I don’t have too much experience going to piercing places other than when I went with Nikki for her Birthday at Linfield and this time. But they are just kind of scary places. I think because I don’t really like the idea of piercings myself. I have the basic ear piercing sort of but I don’t have or really want anything else. I don’t mind if my friends or whatever have them as long as they aren’t the super gross like the giant holes in the ears. But I think piercing places are just a little bit scary for me. She didn’t decide to get one yet so then we decided to go to the cave. We hung out there for the rest of the day. I hung out with Will. We googled how long it would take to get from his house to ours. It was kind of fun and I google earthed my house to show him where I live. It was kind of fun. I kept procrastinating my homework and he kept bugging me so I kept bugging him. It was kind of a fun time.  He is pretty funny. And like he just like randomly turned to me and was like “Thank you for being you” and I was like awww. It is kind of interesting because his voice is almost the same as Jordan’s was. So it is kind of weird talking to him because they sound so similar. But I think because of that I feel like really comfortable most of the time around him which is cool because he is a really nice guy. (On the way home he called me Kace which really kind of freaked me out for a second just because the voice was the same. But I got over it.)
After that I spent twenty minutes doing my homework and then went to translation class. I had a mostly good time in class today. We spent the first bit of class talking/whining about the school planned trips which are kind of terrible because they split us up and then treat us like children. It was kind of funny because then she went and closed the door and then told us about the drama with Yamina and how this is the first year that the teachers have been able to organize their own trips without her going on them. We are like thank goodness because whenever she is there the stress level of everyone rises and we all get super cranky because she is rude to us. After that we went to the homework and corrected it and then continued on in translating the page. The teacher came over and started helping me but then I started blanking on easy stuff and getting upset but I was like “seriously Kacy, You WANT this help why are you freaking out”. So that was kind of bad. But I think it was a combination of not being in a very good mental place that day.
Sophie and I walked home with Will since they both live in that direction. Then I came home and was checking Facebook when Paul and Madame came up. When he opened the door he was like Kacy? And Madame was like she’s here because the door is open so I said Hi. Paul had two books, one of reptiles and then the other was a book with dogs and descriptions of them. We went through them and Paul told me his favorites and then showed me the different alligators and crocodiles in his books and then told me in relation to the room how big they would be. (He was a bit exaggerated.) Then we had dinner. Paul had Cordon Bleu and macaroni noodles and we had pot roast and vegetables. It was very filling but also very good. I can’t remember what I had for lunch but I remember not being very hungry so I didn’t eat very much. It was nice to have a big dinner. Then after that Madame brought out a chocolate cake that she had made that day. It was SOOO good! Even Paul liked it which is crazy considering he hates everything. It was like the consistence of a moist brownie but the taste of cake. It was really really good. I told Madame I want her to teach me how to make it before I leave. I had two pieces and Paul had two as well. It was very very very good. Probably some of the best chocolate cake in my life. And I do love chocolate cake.
After that Paul and Madame went downstairs to get him ready for bed and wait for his parents and then I Skyped home to see Spencer and Megan and Mom at home. They were getting ready for Thanksgiving the next day. It was fun to talk to them and then after that Thad got home to St. Helens and I got to Skype him before I went to bed. So that was good and I felt better after that. Then after that I couldn’t sleep still so I watched Catching Fire. I thought it was well done but I don’t like it as much as the first one, but I also liked the first book more than the second. I want to see it again though! 

1 comment:

  1. So funny. I thought Catching Fire the movie was a much better representation of the book than Hunger Games the movie was of that book. I think Catching Fire is more interesting once they get into the arena. All the politics are really hard for teenagers to read about and understand (well, the middle school kids I read the book with anyway). I just think the movies show Katniss as more amazing than she really came across to me in the books. I think she was confused about everything and thus was easily manipulated by everyone in all three of the books.
