Thursday, November 14, 2013

That Time I almost ate one of the Do Not Eat Things

Madame and I have been getting along very well together lately. I like it. That will make it hard to leave. She is really a nice lady and funny too!

I woke up early today and took a shower. Then I had breakfast and noticed that Madam had bought a different kind of apple sauce. It was NOT good. I said blech. So then I was glad no one was home so I didn’t have to eat it… Merry Christmas sink! I don’t know what it was about it but it just tasted really strange. Not like apples. Yeah so then other than that it was an uneventful breakfast. Then I dried my hair and went to school. It was nice because now that I have small headphones I can listen to music in one ear on the way to class. When I got there Cassandra was already there so we started talking. Not long after LaSia and Gina came in. We talked about Cassidy coming a bit and they facebook stalked her. I am excited for her to come. Three more weeks! I am also excited for Munich! Woo hoo! That should be lots of fun.

I ate a piece of candy from my bag and was like what is this hard thing so I like took it out and it was one of those little balls from the bags that are at the bottom of bags and things when you first buy them that say DO NOT EAT. I guess my backpack had one and it broke open and got in my candy and the bottom of my bag. Good thing I checked. I almost died!!! I was like well now how do I get all these things out? Being on the 3rd story naturally I didn’t want to go downstairs to tip it over and I couldn’t risk it in the house in case Beebow found one and ate it so I ultimately decided to use the bathtub and then wash the down the drain. In retrospect that could be potentially bad for like the pipes or something or the water system? Maybe? I don’t really know what they are made of but hopefully nothing bad happens! 

Class started late as always so at 12:05 I went downstairs and got a cherry coke out of the vending machine. It was delicious. One thing I don’t think that I have mentioned before is that cans here have a reinforced bottom so they feel weighted. They sort of trick you because you think there is more liquid in it than there really is so you are always a bit disappointed to discover there isn’t. But that is okay. Class got going and we talked about Great Britain and their isolation in the 1840-1900’s. It was kind of interesting but not exactly the most exciting thing. 

After that I went downstairs and made a microwavable rice bag that was off brand and really not very good. But I ate some of it. So looking back I didn’t really have a very good lunch. But oh well. I went to my Lit class which was really not very fun to sit through. It was too much of my professor saying false things about the Christian belief and me having to sit through it because I don’t know enough evidence to like refute his falseness. So that was annoying. 
After class I went to the other building and checked in for our flight to Germany and printed our tickets. Then since I had nothing else really to do I went home. On the way there I ran into Julia and her mom so I said hi and then when I looked up the street Madame was coming down the road! So I waited and walked home with her. Then we came upstairs and I tried to put photos on a cd for her but there wasn’t enough space. So then I stopped. She went down to look after Paul after cleaning up a little bit and then I attempted to start writing a paper but then decided to watch the movie instead. It wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but it was still good. Then I did some research for my paper before learning it is pretty much the same paper as I just wrote for the test in that class so then I said I don’t want to do this right now and started reading Brothers K instead because I’m getting close to being caught by the class. Then mom started IMing me making it kind of impossible to read. So then Madame came up and made dinner of sausage and sauerkraut and potatoes. I said to myself: “Oh I must be in Germany now!” But no that is tomorrow.

We had waffles for dessert tonight but they were more like a sort of sweet bread in the form of a waffle but a lot denser than a waffle. It really wasn’t a waffle but just the same shape. We had them from a box with nutella. We talked about Germany and my plans again. We had mustard with the meal and we finished off a jar but she had another one and she made a point of showing me that she buys soft mustard not like strong mustard because then it is too strong tasting for her. The second jar ended up somehow being way spicier than the first! I was like eyes watering and she was like oh this one is way stronger than the last one even though they are the same! It was funny.
After that she showed me her collection of egg platters. They are like the plates that you use to put hard boiled eggs on display. She showed me all of them just kind of randomly because she bought a new one. She has about 16 of them! They are kind of cool and she told me she collects them now just because she thinks they are cool. 
Then we sat down and Madame came in and hit her leg on the coffee table and scared the hell out of Beebow. She laughed and said she was fine when I asked. I also then asked her if she knew about pickle ornaments on a Christmas tree and she had no idea so I had to explain it to her. So I learned that would make a good present for the family because they don’t have them already! Plus they should be easier to find in Germany than in the states. 
After that we watched some show that neither of us was really watching because she was sleeping and I was working on more research for my paper. Then Thad got home and I decided to turn in for the night so she told me to have fun in Germany and that she would see me on Sunday. I said goodnight and then went and Skyped Thad for an hour or so before going to sleep. Goodnight! Germany here I come!
Also I found I have 3 small goose bump sized bumps on the back of my hand that 2 are close together and one farther away that aren’t itchy, red, scaly, or annoying in any way. If anyone has ideas what they are let me know!


  1. I am guessing warts

  2. Okay, about the bumps. Are they white? They might just be millia, which are basically clogged pores, nothing to worry about.
    As far at the misguided discussion about Christianity in your literature class, I discovered that most history says "Christian" and means "Catholic" because they want everyone to think they were the first Christians. False. Since they controlled history throughout the Dark Ages, however, most people accept that until the Reformation Christian and Catholic were one and the same. It's just something I grit my teeth over and continue on. Even with proof, I've never had anyone I confronted about the topic back down on their view, so who needs a pointless argument.
    Hope you enjoy Munich. I don't think I could handle Dachau about now.
