Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Monopoly Round 2

Today I didn’t want to wake up even though it was 10:20. You know how when you travel you always get super tired out? Well study abroad does just that but for three and a half months! I was exhausted but somehow got myself out of bed and took a shower. I almost fell out because I was trying to shave standing up and my balance went all out of whack. So that was weird. But then when I got out I checked my email and saw that there was another wine tasting sign up for Friday so I signed up for it and told all my friends and they signed up for it too.  Then I bagged up the three remaining cookies and put my stuff in my bag and went to class. When I got there I put my stuff down and then went down to the cave and found all of my buds. 

They had all signed up and so we were happy that we have another activity to do together. This is a pretty exciting week for being a predicted not very exciting week! So that was cool. I ate some of Cassandra’s stir fried vegetable lunch and then once I had eaten all the good parts threw it away because she didn’t want it.
Then we went upstairs to get ready for class. We still didn’t get our papers back, so that is kind of annoying. I hope we get them back this week, I kind of doubt that we will though. Class was pretty boring we talked about the emergence of factories in Europe. After class I went to the newer building because I wasn’t feeling very hungry. We sat and talked in the library about when we could go see the new Hunger Games movie but we never really resolved a time. I want to see it tomorrow night. But I’m not sure everyone elses schedule which is the problem. Also it was kind of hard to figure out because people were talking over other people. 
Then I went to Lit which was not too bad of a class. It was interesting. The book seems to be picking up so I might read it a bit now. Plus next time he said that he is going to give us a little quiz over the section… boo. And then later instead of having another paper we will have a meaner quiz. So I guess I need to start doing the read-skim technique… Ugh. I just do not understand why he chose this book. Or why for this short amount of time! We even are having to play catch up so by Tuesday we need to have read 200 pages. Which is like not easy to read because the book is so like. Blech. Kay done complaining.

After class I went and got a vietnameese salad from the vietnameese place. I went and sat in the cave to eat it and while I was I noticed a weird fishy taste… I decided it was probably just my imagination since it was just vegetables and some dried fried onions (?) on it. But then my stomach started getting mad at me so I stopped. I think it may not have been onions and that was the problem. But I am not sure. But whatever it was I gave up. Sally came down and sat with me and convinced me I needed to eat something because I really hadn’t eaten today so I went and got pasta. I ate a bit of it and then put the rest in the fridge for tomorrow. I was just not hungry and especially after my stomach was mad from the fishyness I didn’t want to push it.  

Then it got closer to five and Jony and LaSia cam down and we watched the first half of the first Hunger Games because Jony has never seen it. We knew we were going to be kicked out of the building so we stopped right when she enters the tube to the arena. We had plans to finish it the next day but then later we found out that Jony had watched the second half without us. But I think we still have plans to watch it anyways. 
Then I went home and dropped off my stuff before deciding to go down and see Paul. I probably should of read/skimmed my book… But I really didn’t want to do that. So I went down. They were playing Monopoly and they gave me some property and money and I joined in. Even still I hated Monopoly. The most boring part is always the beginning and since we sort of jump started it was easier. I was really winning for a while. Eventually Paul sprung for a hotel but then got broke and started crying. It was not so good. We were like oh it’s a ift here have some money but he wouldn’t take it. Eventually Madame winked at me and was like how about you and I be a team and share and go against Kacy because she is winning! I was like sure that sounds good. So then they combined and I stopped buying houses and such and tried to lose. Whether I was trying to lose to appease Paul or end the game… It was about 50/50. I really hate playing board games… They make me feel awkward no matter who I am playing them with. I think it is a matter of I don’t want to make problems as a result of a game like that or because I don’t like the everyone against everyone dynamic? But I have never really liked group games, especially if there is any strategy whatsoever. I think the only game I really maybe like is Candyland. But that is just a weird thing about me. Video games are okay but even then I don’t like to play them in a group. It is just like a weird thing for me. In sixth grade we used to play a spelling game with a ball where you throw it to someone and they have to say a word. I weaseled my way out of it by just telling her I would spell her all the words just don’t make me play the game. It has just always been a thing for me. I think if it was a group game where everyone works together it would be better but I just don’t like them.  
Eventually I finally ran out of money after landing on their hotels but then they kept gifting me money and I was just like noooo I am dead let it be over! And eventually it was. I pet their cat Stitch a little bit and then we went upstairs. We had dinner which was my favorite lemon honey chicken with rice and zucchini! It was deeeelicious! We had red wine too which I could have just been fine with water. Then we had mandarins and speculoos for dessert which was good. Beebow threw up again during dinner again. I am wondering if he is sick. But she had given him some of the chicken so maybe he couldn’t deal with the lemon. That doesn’t seem like a typical cat diet.
After dinner we watched the Birds 2. It was pretty stupid really I thought. I thought the ending especially was really dumb… The birds just kind of leave and then that is the end. There is no real resolve and it is kind of dumb… After that we both went to bed. I stayed up later and messaged Thad a bit and then went to bed.

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