I had breakfast and Madame and I talked a bit. Apparently she has a lot of laundry to do today because she has Robert’s (friend of Jean-Claude that I have never met) laundry in addition to ours and he had more this week than usual. Combined with my more than usual because of Paris laundry it was a lot. But I don’t think she was really complaining but more like… grumbling? But she wasn’t upset about it. She also gave me a 20 to buy internet with because she thinks the internet people are going to keep being pokey. (They were/are) SO now I can have internet unsecretly. Also on my way out the door Paul made me come see his cup tower that he made this morning from the cup game we were playing with the espresso cups last night. It was pretty cute. But almost made me late to class!
I gave her my bag of laundry and
then headed to class. I went and sat in the classroom where we have class and
then some other came in too as it got closer to time. Then though, Yamina the
housing lady came in and yelled at us for being there because the school was I guess
planning on having a meeting there. And like she wasn’t like hey we are having
a meeting why are you here? She like was actually yelling at us and we were
like hey wow we didn’t know we have a class in here and there isn’t a sign sooo
how were we supposed to know. She pretty much in 10 seconds insulted everyone
in the room by yelling at us by doing what we were supposed to. It was really
stupid. And then I was like well is class cancelled or are we moved to another
room? So then she went to find one that was open. She came back 2 minutes later
and told us the name of a room downstairs. On the way out she asked me if I knew
where that room was because she didn’t have a clue… YOUR OFFICE IS IN THIS
BUILDING! And you work here! How do you NOT know classrooms!? HOW!? I honestly
do not understand because there are only like 6 classrooms for the whole school
and 4 in this building, so like HOW!? It was really stupid. Also this class is
like one of the biggest in the university so like they took our big room and
sent us literally to the smallest one there is. We were like uhhhh no way is
this going to work… So we went and stole another classroom across the hall.
Even then we had to take chairs from other classrooms. It was really stupid and
poorly planned. Obviously.
Anyways so after our sardine
classroom experience, I went with Sally down to the cave where we sat for a
while before deciding to go get pasta for lunch. I got bolognaise sauce on
mine. It was really good but also very filing and I get tired of Pasta so
quickly. I also got a hot chocolate from the espresso machine in the cave
because I saw the guy change it yesterday. I just tried to spell it expresso. Oops.
It would be clever that way though because it is like express. Then we chilled
down there. I watched some videos on YouTube before trying to figure out my
classes for next term. I think that at the end of the year I am going to transfer.
It makes sense for me to do a French major or to do a theater major. I think
that I have more of a passion for theater and I really miss it… I feel like it
has been like the one thing that I am really good at. And I think it is kind of
a special skill and I enjoy doing it. But I don’t want to do it at WOU because
I just don’t really like that professor or that crowd of people. I know theater
people like to party but that isn’t really the atmosphere that I want so I feel
like I could find a better crowd at somewhere like George Fox. And I have
looked at going there before, because it is small and they have a fantastic
heater program with a professor who has won Emmys in lighting… So I just feel
like I would be a better place for me? I could look at an interdisciplinary
with Theater and French or do a Theater major with French minor. I think that
if I went back to a private school my Linfield credits would actually count for
something again which I think would be really nice as well. I don’t know. I
just feel like I really am not passionate at all about an English major. Like I
enjoy to reading and enjoy finding I do like famous works if I give them a
chance but I am not a real Literature major. I don’t fit that mold. And it
doesn’t really excite me or feel like something I really enjoy as much as
French or Theater… Maybe I have just been wasting my time the last two years in
school… I don’t know. But looking at my degree worksheet I really have only
taken 2 lit classes towards the major. The rest have been LACC’s or gen Ed
credits filled by lit classes. So I don’t know. I don’t think it is the right
path for me.
I worked out that I should take
more Gen Eds to finish up that this coming term and then decide when I get home
what I really want to do. The classes I picked though should transfer anywhere
and keep my options open. I think it will come down to money too… That really
sucks. Especially because my grades here will transfer back and bring down my
GPA from its current 3.95 state which won’t be good when I go looking for
scholarships… I emailed if I could switch to Pass/Fail and Western said Sure!
But then the classes can’t count towards major, minor, gen Ed, or elective
credits…. WHAT. So literally they would be totally unusable and pointless…
Awesome. So I won’t be doing that. It sucks though that Western is dumb like
that. Most of everyone else’s universities give them credit as long as they
pass because they know abroad classes are harder because school isn’t the main
priority… So this kind of sucks for me.
After I figured that out I talked
to Sophie the other Oregon girl about Oregon and classes and stuff. She
recommended I take a gap year. I said uhhhhh no. Then some other people came
down to the cave and hung out and I talked with them. Later LaSia, Sara, and
Jonny came down and we talked. LaSia and I decided to go to Monop to get
cookies and chocolate. I also bought a new bar of Dove soap which smells
awesome. I think I am going to toss my weird smelling one. I have a bit of it
left but I hate it… Oh well it was like 60 centimes. It was fun to talk to her.
I feel like she is pretty chill which I like because some people here are a
little too much crazy for me. We talked about some stuff on our way back to
school and we ran into Gina. She followed us back to the Cave and then had us
all sign LaSia’s birthday card which I guess is a secret but I mean Gina wasn’t
exactly on the sly side with having people sign it. Oh well :-) I’m sure she
will still like it. We listened to some music and then everyone left me to go
to class. Sophie came back down and we got to talking again. We eventually switched
school building to go to our class. She is really nice and I can see us being
friends. Also it is nice to talk about Safeway, Burgerville, and Dutch Bros and
not have people look at you funny because they don’t have them where they live.
The small things in life!
Class started and it was kind of strange today because we worked on individual texts of a comic book translation in class. We each have a different page and are going to make a little like book thing I guess from our translations. It’s from the Stranger by guess… Only the guy who has been shoved down our throats since we got here!!! You guessed it Albert Camus! I did pretty well on my page and my professor was like oh those are good ways of going around those weird phrases so that was good. Still hard though. But it was an interesting class to say the least. Some people were quite loud all class and in an echoey room such as the one we were in it was a bit crazy at times. But there are only 8 of us in the class so ҫa va.
Class started and it was kind of strange today because we worked on individual texts of a comic book translation in class. We each have a different page and are going to make a little like book thing I guess from our translations. It’s from the Stranger by guess… Only the guy who has been shoved down our throats since we got here!!! You guessed it Albert Camus! I did pretty well on my page and my professor was like oh those are good ways of going around those weird phrases so that was good. Still hard though. But it was an interesting class to say the least. Some people were quite loud all class and in an echoey room such as the one we were in it was a bit crazy at times. But there are only 8 of us in the class so ҫa va.
I walked or have started walking
home with Sophie because she lives farther than me but in the same direction. So
that is nice. I came home and read a bit of this giant book. Paul came up after
a bit and was like dang that book is big haw many pages we didn’t have to look
because I know it is 985. I’m on 363. BLECH. Hopefully I will have time to read
more this weekend. Paul and I played cards, playing Bataille which I think it
the equivalent of the card game war. Both flip a card, highest card wins. I
think that is the game. I haven’t played in ages though so I don’t really
remember. Madame asked what other games I know and I told her I am a master at
Rummy :-) Because Thad and I play all the time. And I always win no matter what
he says!!! :-P
We had chicken nuggets and fries tonight
instead of Soup because Paul was eating with us. So tomorrow we are having my
favorite chicken and then Friday unless I go out we are having the pumpkin
soup. After dinner I went and Skyped Thad!!! FINALLY!!! It has been too long
and it was much needed. I showed him my Eiffel towers that I bought in Paris
and we talked about his work and school and what I am going to do. After he had
to leave for Burger Wednesday, I got on Facebook and talk/argued with dad about
what I should do. He’s pretty supportive of everything but thinks I should get
a BA and then worry more about Grad school. But to do that you have to know
what you want to do… I am just going to try and stop thinking about it and just
figure it out when I get home… Blech. I wrote my blog while Madame did a bunch
of Ironing. She found a hole in a pocket of some jeans and asked what I thought
she should do since yesterday I asked for a needle and thread to patch a hole
on my gray sweater and she was shocked I knew how to sew. I told her I took 3
years of classes when I was younger so I know the basics. Also I took theater
costuming which helped as well. We eventually figured it out but Madame was not
super thrilled to have to stay up to iron tonight. :-/
Tomorrow is Thursday which I keep forgetting and thinking it is Friday or Wednesday. Next week I have a three day week which is AWESOME! And I am excited to go to the party this weekend. The last one was really fun so I bet this one will be too!
Tomorrow is Thursday which I keep forgetting and thinking it is Friday or Wednesday. Next week I have a three day week which is AWESOME! And I am excited to go to the party this weekend. The last one was really fun so I bet this one will be too!
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